Room sketch with outdoor things?


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2013
I’ve got a little area (glowing moss/mushroom/bamboo themed) near my house and I’m messing around with it trying to get it just right (huge thanks again to the lovely person who sold me the DIYs and made this happen!) and I’ve recently unlocked Room Sketch but I’m new to it - it struck me how much easier it would be if I could use room sketch or something similar to edit things and try them out first (lost count of how many times I’ve had to pick up my glowing moss pond, tried to put it back, and not stood in the exact right spot so it can’t be placed). However it doesn’t look like there’s a way to place only-outdoor items like bamboo plants when using room sketch - any suggestions, either another thing to use/something I’m missing/an item that would make a somewhat realistic placeholder if I try to recreate this in room stuck etc? Please and thanks for any help!
yeah, it's unfortunate they don't let you design outdoor areas with the room sketch app. The only thing I can think of is If you have the happy home paradise DLC, you could use a villager's vacation home to plan the outdoor area.