Public works projects


smol bean
Dec 25, 2018
Any idea how to get villagers to suggest public works projects that you want? I?ve been waiting to a while for villagers to suggest certain public works projects I want in my town (specifically, fairy tale lamp and bench, and illuminated arch). I?ve been playing for a couple years now though and I still haven?t gotten the ones I wanted. Any way to speed up the process or tips?
There is a way to increase the number of pings you get from certain villagers, which can increase your chances of getting a PWP suggestion from them. First make sure you have a villager with the correct personality walking around outside. In the case of the PWPs you mentioned, you'll want either a normal or a snooty villager. When you first log into the game, try to make sure those villagers are the first ones to see you. They'll likely ping you and there's a possibility they'll suggest a PWP.

While you're playing, make sure you stay away from all villagers for at least 5-10 minutes. Some people do this by going diving, but you can also go to Main Street or just run around town as long as you make sure to avoid all villagers. After about 5-10 minutes, the next villager you see should ping you. So find the villager you want to ping you and run in front of them to get them to ping and they may suggest a PWP.

There are several things a villager can ping you for other than a PWP suggestion, so to help eliminate some of the other potentials it's best to fill your inventory with things that your villagers won't buy from you, like flowers or seashells. If your inventory is full of these types of items, then the villager won't ask to buy something from you or try to sell or give you anything. They can still ping you for nickname changes, greeting changes, and catchphrase changes, but at least you've narrowed down the possibilities and made your chances of getting a PWP suggestion more likely.

Also, it seems to be more common to get PWP suggestions when you're building things regularly. So if you have any PWPs that you want to build, go ahead and build them and try to catch a villager at the ceremony for a ping. They just might give you a new PWP suggestion. Even if you don't have anything you really want to build right now, you can build placeholders. Put up a regular streetlight where you want the Fairy Tale streetlight, for instance. That could trigger a villager to ping you for more PWPs.

Finally, it seems like it's very difficult to get more than 1 PWP suggestion per day. So once you've gotten one for the day, don't stress about trying to get another. Either wait for the next day or time travel, if that's how you play, and try again.
Thanks a lot for the advice :) I hadn?t considered that the items in my pocket would affect the ping and what type of question they asked me, so I?ll work on that in the game and see if I?m able to get any more pep suggestions! Thanks :)
On top of what Des said, what I normally tend to do is isolate all the villagers so I don't end up getting any other to ping me besides the villager with the pwp I want. Keep a shovel handy and dig holes to trap them all. Don't trap them close together. In case one of them catches you and pings you.
On top of what Des said, what I normally tend to do is isolate all the villagers so I don't end up getting any other to ping me besides the villager with the pwp I want. Keep a shovel handy and dig holes to trap them all. Don't trap them close together. In case one of them catches you and pings you.

Omg :) that?s really funny thinking about the villagers being trapped lol but I will definitely try that! Thanks!
Try 3am to 4am for Cranky villagers and 6am to 8am for Normal villagers.
No other type of villager is awake during those times.
Make sure you have the right personality types to suggest PWPs too! PWP farming is annoying but it’s so nice when you finally get the one you need! Good luck :)
Try 3am to 4am for Cranky villagers and 6am to 8am for Normal villagers.
No other type of villager is awake during those times.

I?ll try that through Time Traveling. I always get pings to come visit my house, though :( or to go visit theirs. I?m sure it?ll happen eventually!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Make sure you have the right personality types to suggest PWPs too! PWP farming is annoying but it?s so nice when you finally get the one you need! Good luck :)

I try to go around the town and just see those villagers right away, and trap the other ones like other people said. It feels like I?ve been waiting forever and they always ask to come visit my house instead! I gotta just keep trying :)