Place your random thoughts.

My friend's mom literally just drove me around town for like 30 minutes, just to catch pokemon and go by pokestops.
Whenever a pokemon popped up, I yelled "GUYS AN EEVEE SHOWED UP", and my friend's mom literally SLAMMED the breaks. Funniest thing ever ;D

My poor friend just wanted to go home rip
Got a lvl 31 casanuva and 8 choice tuna, robonyan will be mine in no time!
ok so you cant transfer new nintendo 3ds xl data to an regular 3ds xl or?? well that sucks i kinda wanted to get an older model bruh
It doesn't feel like my birthday's almost here, I guess because it's going to be a whole lot of nothing that I get to do for it. My friend asked to come over for a few hours or something but I don't even really want to do that? I don't know... just want to go to the damn zoo.
It doesn't feel like my birthday's almost here, I guess because it's going to be a whole lot of nothing that I get to do for it. My friend asked to come over for a few hours or something but I don't even really want to do that? I don't know... just want to go to the damn zoo.

that sucks bro :( wish i could take you really *hugs*
lol this pokemon go hype is sad tbh

also ye i guess it's worth a try cause that data i have and taken they haven't changed binary crap on it it should work o well.
yeah and make everyone sudden pokemon fans lmao? not a hardcore pokemon fan but tbh people are taking it too far with the pokemon like going into an old concentration camp to catch a rattata and just randomly entering peoples homes..

tbh that gps **** needs improvement.
I'm the only one in my family who has an iPhone but not Pokemon Go. I'd hate for it to be force-installed on MY phone in the next update, and all my other apps would refuse to work, even Minecraft.
"What was I going to do again?...I was um....Going to watch an episode of TWD?...NO!...MLP? FTWD? Zoo?. I was going to look up a video on how to talk to a Giraffe?".

-Me, 10 Hours ago