Auction Pietro in boxes! CLOSED. Reserved for winner.


Senior Member
Jan 13, 2014
100% (11) +
Pietro is finally moving. I wouldn't get rid of the cute little sheep, but he planted himself in the middle of my orchard. :mad: Anyways, he's leaving. :3

Starting price is 1 mil.
Increments in 500k.
Buyout: 30 mil

Auction ends at 7PM PST on January 17 (today).

Edit: Changing it to 8PM because of real life matters. :p

Edit 2: He has all of his original furniture and original shirt! Not sure about catchphrase because I haven't talked to him much.

xlRenn wins with 6 mil bid! Congratz
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There are several people looking for the creepy clown sheep! Hopefully at least one of them will spot this!
Yeah, I like him, but he did a no no of putting himself in my orchard (destroying my trees) and taking half of my path :( Hopefully he'll find a good home. :3
I'm not sure. It will depend, cause I'm still building my town, I'm in need of money. xD
Sorry if I sound thick here but what is PST? I'm GMT was just wondering what time it ended but don't know the time difference!
Also I would like to mention. All of his original furniture is intact, and he is wearing his original shirt. :p
Auction closed :p xlRenn wins. Add my 3ds friend code, and I'll let you know when gates are open.
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