Pen and Paper RPGs


Resetti's Assistant
Oct 6, 2012
I remember the good ol' times.
I'm only 13, but I remember playing pen and paper RPGs when I was even younger...
We would pretend to sleep and play our pretend RPG.
We call this box our gaming box.
We have paper soccer on the bottom of the box... We had straws inside the box and sheets of paper.
We also had fineliners, mechanical pencils, pencils, rubbers, rulers and scissors.
We would draw stick figures with OP elements and weird looking enemies (usually 'enemies' of ours at school)...
It was fun...
I'm gonna do it again...
(Anyone else done this before?)
I still play from time to time. I've been writing campaigns for friends lately, but haven't really sat down to play any.
I play P&P Rpgs regularly (only once a month since I had my two kids, but...). Call of Cthulhu, Nephilim, L5R, Mouse Guard RPG, etc. I still have my "L'oeil Noir", "Terres de L?gendes" and "Elric" books. I might begin with kid1 (4.5 y. o.) soon. I never stopped. I also play boardgames. That is where I met my husband, the boardgaming club...
I'm the DM of a pathfinder campaign. Still writing it now, and should be starting soon. It was really fun in the past and I'm looking forward to doing it again.
My friends and I used to use paper fortune tellers and make up our own 3-4 part mini-adventure that would either make sense, or be totally ad-libbed.
We didn't actually use rulebooks to play it though. We just sorta roleplayed. xD
I use to play them from a young age, and I still kinda do! I have a vast collection of the 'Fighting Fantasy' books by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone. My favourite out of the collection is House of Hell! You start out with nothing, you have to find your weapon somewhere in the mansion. ^ ^
Random thought: Did anyone ever think of making an Animal Crossing P&P RPG??? There are various rpgs adapted of games and/or anime, so...
When I was younger, an adult at my after school care let us play an RPG of Star Wars. It was super fun.

I currently own some Pathfinder books and a few dice. Unfortunately, my friends are all pretty busy and it was always too hard to get them all together at once. It kinda fell through.
Not quite to that effect, but I've enjoyed a good game of twenty of Drunken Bear Fighter!! Its a much simpler version of D&D with far fewer rules. All the rules it does have, are more than likely dictated by your GM. We learned to do special moves from Little Mac, was entrusted a Lightsaber and Yoshi Egg by Yoda, and our one moronic player killed Phoenix Wright when we were trying to get information about Gar, the Bear Kingpin. This moron put on Phoenix Wright's skin after killing him and we called him a zombie and killed HIM off too. BWAHAHAHA! Phoenix was JUST about to join us as an NPC, too... Oh well, that game hasn't been played for quite a while now.. I'd like to get into it again!