Oswaldies "best" moments

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Feb 21, 2015
Carnival Coins
oswaldies's Creature:
The title is sarcasm, by the way

Thread 1: Japan Over America!

Who the hell in the right mind would do this?
Like I know I was eleven but who does this? No one.
It's just so cringey and funny to look at own closed-minded I was.


Thread 2: Team Cake

Does anyone remember this disaster?
I spent bells that others gave me TO DONATE TO A CLUB so I could buy a signature.
What was I thinking?


Thread 3: A bit of feedback

Wow! I'm sooo dramatic! This will make everyone pity me, plus I made this 1AM when I was mood swingy af.
I said I would leave so many times it's not even funny omfl.


When I put hearts after every forum

When I put Japanese emoticons EVERYWHERE

When all my icons were anime and I was obsessed with everything Japanese.
(otherwise know as a weeaboo phase)

That annoying as hell light pink font that hurt everyone's eyes


I feel like I left out some stuff but have this to laugh at also this was ment to be made on April Fools but I got lazy, this is real though like all the stuff here was horrid. bye !!
I don't think I did. Wow

oooooooooh a scam!
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