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Opinions on Marijuana: Are you for or against? A user yourself?


Senior Member
Jan 22, 2014
Throwback Tickets
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Didn't see a thread on this so I'll make one.
Weed isn't nearly a touchy topic anymore I feel, it's become so mainstream now, but I suppose there's still a little bit of a stigma for users.
What do you think? Do you think the stigma is warranted or is it time to accept it? Do you partake?
I'd like to know!
I don't smoke myself, I have in the past but it's just not something that appeals to me, but I know people who do.

With the stigma, it honestly depends, in places where it's illegal I understand why people may think badly of it, considering it is illegal and people who smoke are contributing to the illegal drug business. That being said, I personally believe it should be legalised, there's much less harm with recreational weed than other substances (alcohol, tobacco, legal highs..) but I understand something as big as legalising marijuana takes time and money, but I think I it's worth it in the end. Legalising it is harm reduction, I believe it should have been done a long time ago.

(I live in the UK and it's still illegal here)
if u are interested there have been a few threads discussing it recently

i dont care that much myself, i just think people who smoke it (n make other ppl Know it lol) are super obnoxious lmao.
there is probably not going to be any serious discussion about legalizing weed in sweden any time soon, marijuana is really not as widely accepted here as it is in america.

but generally i think drugs shouldn't be made more available to people.
My best friend in the world (and probable future partner) smokes marijuana. When he first told me, I was obviously skeptical, because I knew nothing about it and was more concerned for his health than anything, but now, years later, I know about it, I know how few health risks there are, and I am 100% okay with it (though I don't have any interest in trying it myself in the near future).

I think the main reason people turn their nose up to it is for the same reason I used to: they don't know about it, nor do they care to know about it.
I've never smoked/used it (because I'm 13) but I'm ok with it, in fact I think cigars/cigarettes should be banned instead of Marijuana.
Ahhh, well. I have smoked before, but I do not partake anymore. Marijuana actually helped my anxiety and depression a lot, also helped me sleep. I sometimes have a bit of insomnia (literally up until 7:30am getting 1 hour of sleep before work) and the marijuana helped so much. For my job, it's looked down upon, but it is of course not against the rules, we do not get drug tested even though we definitely should.

I think that if someone wants to smoke, let them. It is not something that should be frowned upon, in my opinion.
Lots of weed topics lately.

Again, I voted for it to be legalized and it is in California. I don't smoke because I don't like the smell and not interested in getting high. I'm the same way with drinking, I personally don't want to lose 'control'.
My stance is pretty much the same:

I'm all about legalization, y'know, mainly because the opposite of legalizing it is criminalizing it, which ends up putting people behind bars for a victimless "crime." Mostly black and brown people as modern drug laws were created to give politicians the ability to lock up POC and [progressives]. Let's not forget that. I mean, think about having to be put in jail for drinking a beer. People have been given years of jail for just smoking a joint. This was never looking out for the public, either, it’s a control mechanism in the war on POC and [progressives]. There was also the money aspect in prevention of legalization - hemp production threatens many industries such as paper and clothes production because it’s more available and flexible.

Also on the flipside, it's beneficial, as marijuana provides pain relief and multiple medical benefits that allow patients to avoid opiates. People can experience similar benefits without the physical destruction and physical dependency. So comparing weed to heroin and oxy are like comparing a firecracker to dynamite. This is a whole thing on its positives, since it's listed better than I can list 'em.

I've also used it myself(legally, I'm in CA), yeah, and it helps since I'm going through some stressful times right now. That's all my input.
Never used it myself but I am against recreational use.

If you are dying from severe pain or something and need it to have some relief then by all means, do what you can!
Not against it, and used to use it almost regularly back in high school. But it was mainly because the boyfriend at the time had most of the influence on me. When I broke up with him, I barely had it since.

But I've never been against it. Only illegal because it can't be taxed. Rather smoke that than a cig.
Like most kids where I live I smoked in high school but haven't since I graduated. I'm not against it, however I am against the mentality some people have when marijuana and their smoking habits is literally all they talk about. I had a really good friend at my old job who I loved to death but honestly she talked about smoking ALL the time. She would complain about how broke she was and then proceed to tell me how much she spent on pot for her and her boyfriend for the week. I'm just like.... please stop talking to me about it....

So basically my point is if smoking is all you can talk about then get a hobby
A lot of marijuana topics lately. Honestly, I feel about it how I feel about other certain types of drugs, legalize it!! Banning only creates a black market; the War on Drugs is a ******* travesty that should've never happened!
For. It's still illegal here (let alone this certain case where a person was allowed because of severe pain) but yeah it's way less damaging than other things, so eh yeah.
I'm completely for legalizing it, both for medical and recreational use, though I don't and will never smoke it myself. Tax it to high hell like with cigarettes and alcohol and put that money towards funding schools or something. IDK.

Truth be told, stoners bother the hell out of me because I've never met one who didn't try to get me to smoke with them, or who didn't talk about pot roughly half of the time, but I don't see any justifiable reason for why it isn't legal. It's less harmful than eighty percent of the pharmaceuticals we have doctors throwing at us left and right. Meh.
I'm not that informed on the subject to have a clear stance on it, but I do find it strange that it is illegal when there are other, very harmful, stuff that are perfectly legal.