Shop •●❀ Nicole's Nik Nak Department ❀●•

Order: you dont happen to have a zodiac bunny do you?
Name: bunny
Town: tiger
FC: <---
Total amount in TBT: 3 tbt
If you have these from the Weeding Day set, I'd like them. ^_^

Order: Flower Bouquet
Hibiscus Clock
Lily Lamp
Sunflower Stereo
Tulip Dresser

Name: Jon Snow
Town: Westeros
FC: 2080-1495-8832
Total amount in TBT: 15 TBT

Edit. Nevermind.
Got them. ^_^
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Regal set
Bon Appetit Bundle
Golden tool set
Pink wetsuit
Name: Rylan
Town: Nouvelle
FC: sidebar
Total: 60 TBT

Thank you so much! If you already have me added, it’s because this is a friend’s old 3ds. :)
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Hello? I've been waiting for a long time for my order. Could you possibly hurry up on your service please? Not trying to be rude or anything it's just the last time we set up for you never came it would be nice to get my items I ordered please.
Hi, Nicole, Happy New Year! Glad to hear you got a break from work for rest and family. You do such an awesome service here on TBT...thank you again!

I had a list here, but disregard if you saw it, please. I have been cataloguing, instead, and don't even know what I want to buy at this point, lol. I'll be back, just you mind that! ;)
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Order: golden tool set, kiki and lala clock, kiki and lala floor, kiki and lala wall, and town-hall winter top
Name: Mayor Shirley
Town: Meriden
FC: 4785-7835-1153
Total amount in TBT: 23
Order: cafe and the unknown bundles :)
Name: tessa
Town: tarte
FC: sidebar
Total amount in TBT: 70 tbt, i believe

Order: Full Alpine Set, please
Name: Valzed on here, Mayor Val in town
Town: Cutetown
FC: In sidebar or sig
Total amount in TBT: 5 TBT

Thank you!
Oof so I'm finally able to pick up my order this weekend. Apologies for the delay, life sucks sometimes!
Order: 15 pink lilies and full modern wood set
Name: Sleep
Town: Rest
FC: In sidebar
Total amount in TBT: I think it's 150 bells? Correct me if wrong... Math is not my friend xmx..
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Order: All the orderable DLC items, except the top. And the full modern wood and mermaid collection.
Name: Emmy
Town: Nightden
FC: 0920-4768-8886
Total amount in TBT: 106 TBT