Nintendo just confirmed no more updates coming.


I'm just a ghost.
Aug 9, 2020
Red Envelope
Red Envelope

I mean this really doesn't surprise me but if anyone is still really hoping, I am sorry to say but your hopes were crushed by Nintendo.
Yeah, I expected this seeing as they were clear on that being the case when they released the 2.0 update.

I still adore the game. But, it's one of those things for me where I'll play for a period of time and then take extended breaks. It's not necessarily because of burnout, more like "I've had my fill of this game for the moment." Considering that I don't own a second Switch console, replay value just isn't there for me.
As hard as I try, this game can't hold my attention for more than a week any more.
I cant help but have the feeling of "been there, done that".

So im glad there are no more updates.
With any luck it means they're working on the next game. Hopefully ready for release with the switch 2.

(Or if they want to go really crazy they can slap together a remake of new leaf using new horizons assets, with the outside furniture and terraforming. That would be a cool filler game while we wait for the next real title)
I have my issues with the game but looking at the hours played across both my islands, I have to admit I clearly got my money's worth. I only hope that the next game takes more of the issues with NH into account, as well as reintroduce some concepts(like unbreakable tools) from other past games back into the series.
I find it funny that it's taken THIS LONG for it to sink in for NintenTalk that NH's not getting any more updates... but then again, I've been living in hope that they'd turn around and go "lol, update for Splatoon 3/TOTK amiibo support, have some Zelda/Splatoon items and villagers", so I'm hardly one to talk there (it would be even funnier if the book came out and then they decided to drop said update)

The book looks nice, tbh. It's hardly essential given Nookipedia exists, but I'm interested in getting it purely to have a hard copy of something to reference if need be, and I'm glad that there's finally something as in-depth as the Japanese guidebooks after years and years of terrible and inaccurate Prima ones being the only thing on the market.

I'm falling in and out of playing NH, partially because of work, partially because Splatoon 3 and Nintendo Switch Sports are taking up a lot of my valuable gaming time, and partially because I accidentally didn't play for nearly a month, realised it was a bit too soon to unlock the bedhead hairstyle, then proceeded to drop it again for a month (I missed 2022's party hat colours, tho :eek:) but horrible island redesign that I've been struggling with for about a year aside, I'm still getting some form of enjoyment out of it.

I'm about 30 hours away from matching my NL playtime, and that's nearly a decade's worth of play.

I have ultimately mixed feelings on NH, where I feel positive enough about it that if someone's doing a blatantly biased and one-sided critique on it I'll defend it, but if someone's going "most perfect AC game ever" I can't really agree, but I've definitely gotten a lot out of it.

Once again, I feel if we're getting some form of AC-related announcement in 2023, it's going to be a new game in the series. It has been 5 years since NH was first announced this September, after all...
i apologize if i sound rude but i don’t understand why people continue to believe that there will be another update even when nintendo clearly stated that there won’t be anymore after 2.0.

it would be a nice reality if there was going to be a new update but the chances of the announcement of a new game in the next two years is higher. tbh i don’t know i even care about new horizons anymore, i can’t even be bothered to play and im ready for a new ac game. it’s kind of annoying seeing those animal crossing youtubers clickbait people, dragging things out saying that there’s still a chance of an update coming out when nintendo hasn’t done anything in a year. (not talking about this video specifically)
To be fair, it was confirmed back when 2.0 trailer released. However, the book being updated and republished by a 3rd party is likely just a money grab as has nothing to do with what Nintendo has confirmed with them behind closed curtains.

Part of me still has hope that they'll give us a small Zelda Amiibo update when Tears of the Fallen Kingdom releases.
To be fair, it was confirmed back when 2.0 trailer released. However, the book being updated and republished by a 3rd party is likely just a money grab as has nothing to do with what Nintendo has confirmed with them behind closed curtains.

Exactly what I was thinking. "Nintendo" didn't confirm anything with this guide being listed, they confirmed it with 2.0

Tbh I think everyone is too final with their thoughts on this game. Nintendo can say and do whatever they want with this game, whether that be no more updates at all, only adding in small content/previous amiibo villagers, or brand new content altogether. If it never receives anything, people will say "2.0 told ya so," and if we get anything at any point, people will say "The 2.0 message was just to make sure people didn't expect an update any time soon."

At the end of the day, people are gonna play the game if they want to or not if they are over it, and I really wish people would stop overanalyzing everything about this game.
I hope this means that they're working on the next Animal Crossing game. They just really need to take their time with the next one. We all saw what rushing the game looked like and it wasn't pretty.
Hopefully this means they are already working on the next Animal Crossing. One concern I had is that they may take the Mario Kart route and try to make New Horizons last for a decade rather than putting out a sequel.
I hope this means that they're working on the next Animal Crossing game. They just really need to take their time with the next one. We all saw what rushing the game looked like and it wasn't pretty.

Not sure where you're getting that they rushed things, but this game was in development shortly after New Leaf (even before they did anything with the Welcome Amiibo update). Even if they did "rush" things, they certainly accomplished a lot. It's really hard to say how this game could've been received differently if there wasn't a global pandemic that kept so many more people at home playing this game 24/7 who otherwise would not have had the time.

All that to say, they've probably been developing the next title if their previous release schedule is anything to go by for this series, seeing a main release about every 4 years (including the Welcome Amiibo update being about 4 years after New Leaf, and 4 years before New Horizons). Maybe 2024 will bring a new installment that appeases more people who are so soured by NH 😆
Hmmm… this book seems to be released A bit late😂

As soon as nintendo announced the last update would be the last free or paid update we all knew. Some just live in denial hoping for something to say ‘here look’

like many people here NH is at that point now where i do play but, at very limited times and take extended breaks as ive sunk about 1200+ hours in, its bound to happen🤷

hopefully while they released the last update some time ago, they had already been planning the first steps of the newest title. As they were working on New Leaf quite soon after City folk was released, i dont expent to hear anything for a year or two knowing how much nintendo like to space AC out.

i just dont know how long they will be sticking with the switch which makes me believe they wont release a new AC title into there is a brand new console to go along with it, with that were looking atleast after 2025🫣
Not sure where you're getting that they rushed things, but this game was in development shortly after New Leaf (even before they did anything with the Welcome Amiibo update). Even if they did "rush" things, they certainly accomplished a lot. It's really hard to say how this game could've been received differently if there wasn't a global pandemic that kept so many more people at home playing this game 24/7 who otherwise would not have had the time.

All that to say, they've probably been developing the next title if their previous release schedule is anything to go by for this series, seeing a main release about every 4 years (including the Welcome Amiibo update being about 4 years after New Leaf, and 4 years before New Horizons). Maybe 2024 will bring a new installment that appeases more people who are so soured by NH 😆
The fact that they were adding major things after release is what gives me that idea. Diving, Brewster, Katrina, Redd, etc. There were lots of things missing. You'd think those would be main things already done. It was rushed out and an unfinished product hit the shelves.
I'm not sure where I'd find the interview, but I'm pretty sure Nintendo even said themselves that they didn't have time to implement everything they wanted in the game--even after they delayed the game to avoid crunch--and that's why so many features had to be added overtime.

The game may have been technically "in development" since the release of New Leaf, but I'm not convinced it was in active development (i.e. programmers were sitting at computer desks for long hours, working on actually bringing the game into fruition) for the entire duration of that time.
Yeah, the decision to add things after the game was launched that should have been there in the first place as well as the fact that there's no more updates planned has made me stop playing altogether. Every time I try to get back into it I just can't. As someone who is also a longtime AC fan, they kind of missed with this one.
I'm not sure where I'd find the interview, but I'm pretty sure Nintendo even said themselves that they didn't have time to implement everything they wanted in the game--even after they delayed the game to avoid crunch--and that's why so many features had to be added overtime.

The game may have been technically "in development" since the release of New Leaf, but I'm not convinced it was in active development (i.e. programmers were sitting at computer desks for long hours, working on actually bringing the game into fruition) for the entire duration of that time.
I fully agree. There's no way they were consistently working on it for it to have been released in the state it was. Personally, I would've been fine with them waiting to finish the game before releasing it. I hope they learned that finishing it while it's released is not the way to go. They handled it terribly in my opinion. The drip fed updates were frustrating. Obviously they're not the only company to release an unfinished game but it was still a mess.
I fully agree. There's no way they were consistently working on it for it to have been released in the state it was. Personally, I would've been fine with them waiting to finish the game before releasing it. I hope they learned that finishing it while it's released is not the way to go. They handled it terribly in my opinion. The drip fed updates were frustrating. Obviously they're not the only company to release an unfinished game but it was still a mess.
Unfortunately, because the game was and still is such an enormous financial success in spite of its initial rushed state (regardless of the multitude of external factors which also contributed to that), I don't have much hope that they learned anything from it, really. The "release it now, fix it later" philosophy of game development has been prominent since at least the PlayStation 3/Xbox 360 era, so I imagine it was only a matter of time before Nintendo hopped on that trend as well, as they debatably have been with microtransactions and lootboxes (albeit, for now, limited only to the mobile space). Only time will tell, however.