Never Have I Ever

Ppffffff not only do I do that a lot, half of my OCs are hella gay lmao

Never have I ever finished one thing of chapstick
I have lol, tho I prefer crunchy shell

Never have I ever driven stick/manual

Never have I ever volunteered at an animal shelter(Mickey the poodle wants me to work there XD He loves when I visit)
Nope (had to edit part cause ninjaing)

Never have I ever ridden on any kind of rollercoaster.

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Idk what that is lol

Never have I ever needed coffee to help me wake up in the morning.

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Oh wow my post merged xDDD
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I think I may have unintentionally, just because I couldn't fall asleep. I want to say this may have happened in either 2013 or 2014.

Never have I ever hated vaporwave.
I mean, I’m not a big fan of it so I guess I have?

Never have I ever majorly injured somebody :/
I haven't, because I hardly know what it is lol

Never have I ever been afraid of snakes
I have.. now I’m neutral about house snakes, but wild snakes I’m still a bit spooked of.

Never have I ever cleaned my house/room without stopping to look at all the stuff I’ve hoarded lol
Well I don't hoarde stuff (at least nowadays I don't) so if I see stuff I've hoarded in the past I usually get rid of it.

Never have I ever had a date/fiancee/spouse.
Saaaame lol

Never have I ever owned an xbox of any sort
I haven't personally but my brother has all the x-box consoles (except he only has one variation of the x-box one)

Never have I ever owned a Sega Genesis
My kid sister does, so..? lol but I never have

Never have I ever needed glasses