Netflix and other streaming stuff

Reginald Fairfield

Senior Member
Dec 21, 2017
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I keep seeing headlines about Netflix's stock dropping, rights holders pulling context off for a soon to be competing service, and people just bashing their original content. I'm just wondering, do you still use it?

I'm aware this is a loaded question.
Sometimes, I suppose. I have hulu but I rarely use, I just like the cheap Spotify.
I used to like Netflix because they had a lot of shows I loved like King of the Hill and Seth McFarlane's animated shows. They've since moved to Hulu so that's what I use now. The only thing I watch on Netflix anymore is The Office, and I'm pretty sure they're removing that show soon.
I really like Netflix, actually. Sure, I joined for the backlog of old shows I'd never gotten around to watching, but their original content is actually really good most of the time & I use Netflix frequently.
I've always preferred their DVD mailing service, though that took a huge hit in quality and the ability to justify using after they stopped shipping things on the weekend. Their service used to be much speedier and worthwhile, so now that it's slower to arrive and you get fewer discs per month, it feels like a waste. Especially when something is already currently rented out to someone else, who knows if it'll be available anytime soon. Despite all that, the DVD movie selection has always seemed far wider and more appealing to me.

The streaming side of things, I get it occasionally but don't really feel the need to keep it for any long periods of time. Maybe there will be something exclusive or more convenient than finding elsewhere and that can justify checking it out for a bit, but my tastes lean more toward older movies so the Netflix streaming service has never really been the ideal streaming service for me.

Despite that, I'm not really a fan of the fragmenting of the market with all of the rights holders pulling their content from services like Netflix and rushing to make their own platforms to make more profits for themselves. Way more convenient to just have one service than to have a bunch of stuff you want to watch being spread out through like 7 streaming services or something. It ultimately means less traditional media consumption for me because I can't be bothered to subscribe to all these disparate platforms, though I don't really care either because I'm more of a fan of physical media anyway.

It will be a shame if they wither away and disappear in the future, though as it is now they feel like a shadow of their former selves.
I have Netflix (well actually my brother does) but man, they removed too many good shows. I'm thinking of getting hulu.
I've always preferred their DVD mailing service, though that took a huge hit in quality and the ability to justify using after they stopped shipping things on the weekend. Their service used to be much speedier and worthwhile, so now that it's slower to arrive and you get fewer discs per month, it feels like a waste. Especially when something is already currently rented out to someone else, who knows if it'll be available anytime soon. Despite all that, the DVD movie selection has always seemed far wider and more appealing to me.

The streaming side of things, I get it occasionally but don't really feel the need to keep it for any long periods of time. Maybe there will be something exclusive or more convenient than finding elsewhere and that can justify checking it out for a bit, but my tastes lean more toward older movies so the Netflix streaming service has never really been the ideal streaming service for me.

Despite that, I'm not really a fan of the fragmenting of the market with all of the rights holders pulling their content from services like Netflix and rushing to make their own platforms to make more profits for themselves. Way more convenient to just have one service than to have a bunch of stuff you want to watch being spread out through like 7 streaming services or something. It ultimately means less traditional media consumption for me because I can't be bothered to subscribe to all these disparate platforms, though I don't really care either because I'm more of a fan of physical media anyway.

It will be a shame if they wither away and disappear in the future, though as it is now they feel like a shadow of their former selves.

I haven't bothered making the jump from dvds mostly due to older movies having to be changed these days. I've got an older copy of the Last Unicorn, someone said it wasn't the harpy or the tree that got cut in newer releases, it was Molly Grue's rant after meeting the Unicorn. Not sure why that, opposed to the monster nips.
I got rid of satellite TV several years ago and went to streaming for all of my TV and movie needs. I was able to save nearly $100 a month. I have Netflix, Hulu, and recently switched from Crunchyroll to VRV because for just a few dollars extra I get a lot more content. I watch something on each of these platforms almost daily.

Netflix still has a lot of shows that interest me...The Crown, Arrow, Flash, a lot of BBC nature documentaries, and they just got the first 2 seasons of Outlander which I've been wanting to watch ever since it came out. Netflix also has several exclusive anime titles that are very good, such as Violet Evergarden and Seven Deadly Sins. As long as Netflix still has content that I want to watch on a regular basis, I plan on keeping it.

Sadly, I predicted what is currently happening. When we switched to streaming, I remember telling my husband that eventually every channel and company would want to run their own streaming network and it would segment the content too much. There's no way I'm going to pay around $10 a piece for a whole bunch of different streaming services because then we're right back where we started paying way too much for TV.
I have Netflix and Hulu. It?s a lot cheaper than satellite tv. Plus, Netflix has been getting really good titles lately. One is the tv series Merlin, and they just put the new Invader Zim movie on too! Hulu has always sunny and Rick and morty. That?s all I need to watch :)
I don't mind a bit of Netflix and chill personally, however I usually only pay for Netflix one month then cancel it for a few months because I find there's not much that interests me on Netflix
I still use Netflix, but once Disney Plus comes out that may be my primary streaming service. I'm really excited for the new Star Wars show about The Old Republic.
I leech off of my sister's Netflix, but I wouldn't be interested in using it if I had to pay myself. The selection is pretty lacking and most of the time I'll only watch shows for some background noise.
I still use Netflix. Admittedly, the Canadian version is quite limited (I really gotta get a VPN haha) but there are still some good things, and honestly, I think the Netflix Originals get a worse rep than they deserve. Sure, there's a lot of by-the-numbers generic teen dramas and stuff, but there's also quite a lot of shows I have enjoyed on there: Bojack Horseman, Russian Doll, The Get Down, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Queer Eye, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, and Nailed It are all shows I enjoyed alot (and I also have heard great things about both Stranger Things and Black Mirror, but have mismanaged my time and not gotten around to watching those ones yet).
We use Netflix, Hulu, and Crunchyroll. Netflix is probably the least used of the three, and we probably wouldn?t have it at all if we paid for it. Hulu has better tv shows imo and they update it more so I can can watch current shows. We?ll probably switch to funimation?s streaming service after we?re done watching Dr. Stone.
I really used to like Netflix but since my favorite shows are gone and their original content is going downhill fast I might be canceling come January

- - - Post Merge - - -

Anyone see anything they might like for Disney+?

One word: LOKI. That is all.
I really used to like Netflix but since my favorite shows are gone and their original content is going downhill fast I might be canceling come January

- - - Post Merge - - -

One word: LOKI. That is all.
Do think Tom Hiddleston is cute?
I use Netflix a lot for background shows like Friends, or The Office but I also watch a few shows on it as well. The originals are quite good.Netflix is also great if you have/watch kids a lot. I watch my niece a few times every week and its easy to throw on Netflix Kids and let her pick the show. I use Hulu a lot more for watching rather then background shows. I think I might switch to Hulu with Live TV because cable is not worth paying/dealing with.