Narrowing down my final villager lineup....


Senior Member
Nov 12, 2018
So here's the situation, I'm voting Drago off in favor of one of the following - Vesta, Opal, Baabara, or Eunice. I just cannot decide. Ideas?

For reference - the rest of my villager line up.
Naomi, Kabuki, Nate, Stitches, Pietro, Tucker, Gayle, Stella, and Tipper.
Who would you guys choose?
Eunice or Baabara but leaning towards Baarbara because you already have stella
Eunice has a laundromat inside her house. I like Vesta best.
Out of the group, I'd pick either Eunice or Baabara. I think that Baabara would look nice with the rest of the villagers you've got already!
This would be my order of preference for those villagers:
1. Baabara, I think her color scheme is the cutest of them all and I love that both her name and her catchphrase are puns! I also think her house is pretty nice although it could do without the gloomy wallpaper and she should have her piano back, but it still looks good as-is. She only gets a slight edge over Opal to me due to my own love of sheep. I also think her blue coloring would complement the pink of Stella really nicely and they'd look adorable hanging out.
2. Opal, I already liked her but she somehow looks so much better in this game than in NL to me. Her default shirt is cuter than before and her shade of green is so nice, I can't say for sure but I think it might've been changed a bit. I also think her house is probably the best of these as it seems the most well put together and has lots of nice imperial items in it.
3. Vesta, I really like her name and her look and her whole design and I think her house is kinda cute too but not the best. What is with all the villagers in this game that don't have a bed or at least a single chair? However she's also a bit plain as cute as she is, but maybe that's your thing! You do already have another normal sheep, Stella, who I like a lot better though. So I might not pick her for your island.
4. Eunice, who I actually don't really like much tbh... sorry but I don't like her gray coloring and her house in this game has one, two three, four, five, uhh.... TWELVE. twelve washing machines in it. It's not a house, it's a laundromat, and I'm not into it.

Overall I'd probably pick either Baabara or Opal if it were me!