My House and Store Status


Retired Staff
Dec 28, 2004
Here is where you can announce the status of your house upgrades and your Tom Nook's Store status. Talk about what you'll be getting soon, what you just got, and more!
I have Nook's second expansion, and I just payed off my second loan. Tomorrow, I'll get to have an 8X8 room!

I did the first loan. I have a lot of money already, once Nook is back from remodeling I can pay the second
fiveyearwinter said:
Nook is mid-remodel to become a Nook'n'Go.

Same with me. I went ot bob's town for a while so I can make money, his store will upgarde sooner becuase I sold a lot to Nook.

I stil need to upgrade my house from the 1st one...
I need like 5500 Bells.

I hope I can upgrade nook soon.
Mind if I borrow someone's town to sell?

:) I have a bunch of peaches and some fish I want to unload. I never thought of getting a leg up on the loan payments by going somewhere else to sell!

I'll be able to trade and whatnot about 3:00 or so.
fiveyearwinter said:
Mind if I borrow someone's town to sell?

:) I have a bunch of peaches and some fish I want to unload. I never thought of getting a leg up on the loan payments by going somewhere else to sell!

I'll be able to trade and whatnot about 3:00 or so.
PM me all your stuff and I'll reply with my code.
I just paid off the first loan today.

Short on cash though....plans to make it big in the "stalk" market though!

(You still buy turnips on Sunday right?)
If you guys are still talking about "WILD WORLD" then...yeah ive only payed it off one time and Nook is upgrading his shop on December 11th, or so it says in his letter and on the bulleton board.

someone please answer my "Lyle" forum!