Multiplayer or Single Player?

Which do you play more?

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I vastly prefer single player games, but do enjoy multiplayer co-op games. I'm not just not a very competitive person.
I typically enjoy the overall content of single-player games more, but sometimes I find it hard to enjoy them fully because I like sharing things with other people. I like to jump on Discord with friends (especially if they're playing the same single-player game) and we'll chat about the game as we play.

Multiplayer games are usually more entertaining from an "I'm laughing so much my face hurts" perspective such as a party or horror games, but coop games, in general, offer a great experience too that I come back to (e.g.: Killing Floor, Left 4 Dead, ARPGs). depends on my mood and the type of game/experience I want at the time!
i vastly prefer single player games, i love being able to get lost in a more story-driven solo adventure than playing online with others. a lot of the video games i enjoy i end up loving because of how personal and special they feel to me and i feel like adding other people to it would kinda ruin it for me.

i do think multiplayer is fun for things like splatoon, mario party, smash bros, etc. but that's about it. it's also been harder to play with friends n' such because we're often all busy with work/school/etc. and that's of course not an issue when you're playing solo lol
i honestly haven’t played many games in general, but the majority of them have been single player. i usually prefer playing them that way as well as i’m able to just enjoy the game and have fun without worrying about messing up in front of people, embarrassing myself or looking stupid somehow, or what the people i’m playing with think about me. most of the games i’ve played didn’t even offer multiplayer, so single player is what i’m used to as well.

though, with games like mario party superstars, playing with others is definitely more enjoyable. i haven’t done so yet as i’ve just been practicing and getting used to the game’s mechanics, but i’m excited to start. i also had more fun playing with others in new leaf, especially on club tortimer and when playing minigames.
I invest a lot of time into both, although I suppose I’m slightly more multiplayer leaning.
Multi-player is fun and I especially enjoy couch co-op but I much prefer single player games. I don't have to be good and I can waste hours doing anything and nothing and I love to just lose myself in a 60+ hour game.
the vast majority of games that i play are single player just because the nature of the games that i prefer to play lend themselves nicely to being able to work through everything in your own time as you please! i’m not opposed to multiplayer games but i usually have to be in a specific mood to play them, plus it’s easier to just start gaming by yourself instead of trying to get friends together or hope enough other people are online!
i play a lot of games that can be either, but i tend to prefer multiplayer. the only game i really play that works best in single-player is AC:NH, and that's largely because the multiplayer for that game is so damn dead. by comparison, i played multiplayer quite frequently on NL because of the island and its mini-games. my other main games right now are MK8, fall guys, genshin and minecraft dungeons; only the latter two really work as a solo experience, and for genshin, that's partly just due to the fact that my poor laptop can't handle multiplayer lol.

MK8 kind of sucks in solo because the CPU is okay, but it doesn't bring out my competitive drive quite as much, and it's way more fun playing with my sister anyway. i can't even see fall guys working with CPUs lmao. one of the reasons i dropped main minecraft is because i got so lonely playing it solo but don't/didn't have any friends to play on online servers with. i could only play so many rounds of survival games before getting bored and lonely, and the same went for a regular server; i could only mine for so many hours before feeling alone. it was a much more enjoyable experience when my girlfriend and i shared a server at one point and actually used voice chat. (a big feat for me lol.)
Depends to an extent.

There's a few games I play with my partner that I can't imagine playing on my own at all. Ark is our go to game, we play just the two of us on a private server and I can't see myself ever playing it on my own. The Lego games, probably going to give Conan Exiles a shot at some point and despite me being the Conan fan in the house, I probably wouldn't bother on my own.

But I'll otherwise say I prefer single player.

Most of the games I play during "me time" are either entirely single player (Final Fantasy XII), can be played single player (Monster Hunter) or you can largely ignore everybody you're forced to play with and do your own thing (Runescape). I'll pretty much opt to ignore multiplayer features in these games when I'm just playing on my own.

I think the main thing I think about to what I prefer is when I played the Dark Souls games. I played them alone initially and on a second playthough a friend insisted we co-op it. He pretty much remembers everything about those playthoughs as though they're the best memories he has and I just don't. It was fun but it's not really an experience I wanted. I don't really remember it anywhere near as fondly, I more so remember playing them on my own...Which is a reason I'm grateful Bloodborne was a PS4 exclusive, because he didn't have a PS4 thus couldn't pester me to pay for the online and co-op it.
Definitely more single player. Even on multiplayer games online I like to play by myself. I like to progress through the game at my own pace.
Multiplayer. I love fps games and I enjoy laughing with friends in game through voip.
I'm a mixture of both, so I can't really vote for one or the other. I'm an ambivert when it comes to socialization, and the same can be said about gaming for myself.
Single player, I don't like playing against other people in games like Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. (mostly because I suck compare to them) and I don't even like having people coming over to my AC:NH island. 😭 I much prefer single player games like The Legend of Zelda (Four Swords was a new idea gone wrong IMO) and I would rather play games like AC single player.
Although I guess it also depends, I feel that party games are so much more fun with other people, which is why I prefer playing Wii Party with my brother instead of myself.
I play single player games much more than multiplayer games. That's definitely not to say I don't enjoy multiplayer games, I just prefer playing multiplayer games with people I know to some degree rather than complete internet strangers, but I don't really have anybody to play them with, so the times I actually get to play multiplayer games with other people are far and few between. There's definitely upsides to both, as single player games offer a compelling story/gameplay driven experience, but multiplayer games can offer a lot more fun and memorable moments. Ideally I'd play a mix of both, probably something like 70/30 single player-multiplayer, not the 99/1 split I have going on now.
I play single player definitely more often plus most of my games are single player to begin with, but I do have a couple multiplayer games that I love and do play a ton of. One of which (Splatoon 3) I’ve pretty much been exclusively playing as of late.

So right now it’s mostly multiplayer but in general I’m more single player.
I prefer single player games that have stories I can get lost in. Like reading a book, but I'm the main character. Multiplayer games can be really fun, but only some games, and I prefer playing with people I know instead of complete strangers.
I used to be mainly a single player person, but I recently picked up Splatoon 3 and the multiplayer aspect is all I play. I used to be so anxious playing multiplayer shooting games, but with Splatoon I slowly eased up to the idea. :] It's been really fun playing with friends!

I might look into Valorant tbh, I tried it before and got really scared but seeing myself adjust to Splatoon 3 made me a little more confident in my abilities to adjust to other multiplayer shooting games, too.