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Marijuana Discussion

Okay I didn't know that, but I just feel uncomfortable with the whole smoking thing :/ Oh well, I'd still vote for it to be legalised though.

I used to think like that, but after the second smoke sesh I got used to it. Nothing too bad about smoking other than if you take a monster hit, your throat feels like it's on fire. But if you get to that point, you know you're gonna get blazed. So it's not really a bad thing.
I'm curious, how exactly do you guys GET it? Like, do you know a guy or what?

I mean, I don't know you actually get your hands on the stuff...
I'm curious, how exactly do you guys GET it? Like, do you know a guy or what?

I mean, I don't know you actually get your hands on the stuff...

It's really just who you know and met throughout your life. My first purchase was from this kid in my neighborhood who brought it up in conversation, and I was like whatever, I've got $20 I'll give it a try. A lot of people I know smoke weed, so it won't be that hard to find. Just ask one of your buddies you can assume smokes.
Oh, I know some of my coworkers do, and we've talked about it. I could probably get some from them if I wanted.

I was just curious about the rest of ya'll.
I would probably be that one person that goes to the Netherlands. Just to try it, but still being within legal realms.
Yes it should be legalized. Maybe so many people wouldn't think it's a bad thing that way and that'd mean there would be probably more people smoking weed instead of drinking. Which would be good for this world because that would mean there would be less crimes and less deaths due to drunken idiotic reasons. If they could sell it in the shops too that would be even better because then you know it will be safer. The problem right now is sometimes people will try and get weed from anyone (including people they don't know) so you don't know if they've done anything to it where at least in shops you know it would be safe. Also they could start using it to make things like paper and replace petrol so we wouldn't be f*****g up the environment so much. There's so many things we could use for weed. Not just helping out people with a terminal illness but so much more.
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I think, looking at the facts etc, that it is a far lesser evil than alcohol and cigarettes (as pointed out by many others before me on here). Yes I read the whole thread first, and honestly, I was pleasantly surprised to see everyone playing nice (what a great bunch of people on here, and I'm glad to have found this forum tbh).

I think it should be legalised (here in the UK it is not). There are so many alcohol related deaths and we all know the dangers around smoking cigarettes that I feel that they shouldn't be legal, but that's another thing and is OT in this thread.
Consider the effects of alcohol on the body (something more of us have tried, perhaps I'm assuming here though), hangovers caused by dehydration, your liver taking the hit to process it and the long lasting effects moreso in alcoholics than casual drinkers.
I'm not sure of the effects of marijuana, nothing a quick google wouldn't solve, but it would be nice to have it all in one thread, but I can safely assume that they are not so bad from what I've thus far read on here.

So why the dragging of heels on legalisation? I honestly have no idea when you consider the other legal dangers out there...
To answer the OP, I have not tried it but would not be averse to the idea considering I do drink (in moderation, I'm rarely ever drunk and have had only 1 hangover) and that seems to do more damage than weed.
Legalized? Of course, there's more than enough evidence to justify it, just in this thread.

Have I tried it?... don't tell my mom >.>

And while marijuana isn't the devil, it isn't God either. It has to be used responsibly and in moderation like any other substance (which I'm sure the majority of you know, but just making sure it gets said).
And I can't say I care for smoking anything. I could get used to it, but I just don't want to, you know? I have smoked tobacco in a hookah though, and that was pleasant enough (beats the crap out of cigarettes)
It makes you stupid but you won't OD from it. The gov't should just let it be used for treating stress and depression.
And while marijuana isn't the devil, it isn't God either. It has to be used responsibly and in moderation like any other substance (which I'm sure the majority of you know, but just making sure it gets said).

Pretty much my opinion on it. Same thing goes for pretty much anything.

I'll smoke every now and then but there really isn't any point in making a huge deal about it. It's like saying, "Oh yeah man, I just took like two advil this is the best thing ever."

It's cool to like something, but to obsess over it like some people do is just silly, and makes them look silly.