Shop Lucitine's Fashion Check Rentals~

If you have to go offline its fine, this is taking way longer than I thought.... just give me a time you'll be on later and I can catch you then.
I'm going to be up for about 2-3 more hours so you still have time. I'm just gna poof real quick and shower.
Okie ^^ I'm playing a different game so my response might be a tad bit slower. But I'll definitely be around and should be able to respond within 10-15min after you post ^^
Update again: I think I'm getting closer, I got sidetracked cause I got Festivale and I've never done that event before, but she'll be in my soon hopefully, thanks for being so patient!
No worries~
I'm about to head off to bed so take your time XD
I'll be up in about 8 or so hours. If you fill out the order thing, I will get to you first thing in the morning :)
If you want, we can get all 4 of your checks done at the same time~