Buying Looking for transferring help!

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I'd be fine with receiving how ever many blue hybrids (not pansies) I can get from doing this. If you can't provide blue hybrids, don't worry, I'll do it completely free :)

Thank you so much, I added you! I unfortunately have no blues though, since my town color scheme is whites, oranges, pinks, etc :(
Thank you so much, I added you! I unfortunately have no blues though, since my town color scheme is whites, oranges, pinks, etc :(

That's fine, opening my gates, I'll show you the area where you can drop your items :)
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I would be happy to help you! I haven't been here since 2014 but I'd still love to help!
I can move all my flowers to my other beach so you can have all the space!
I'll be happy to help! You can come over and place items on my beach, and if anything feel free to check my wifi score and posts! I'll leave my gates open for you, but if you do chose to come over, forgive my mess as I am currently moving towns myself.
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I'll be happy to help! You can come over and place items on my beach, and if anything feel free to check my wifi score and posts! I'll leave my gates open for you, but if you do chose to come over, forgive my mess as I am currently moving towns myself.

Sure, thank you! I'll add you ^_^
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