Least Favorite Villagers?


lil picante
Oct 28, 2019
not sure if this has been discussed already. mercy, I’m new here!

I definitely keep Elise at an arms-length myself. not to mention she constantly asks for advice in gift-giving...thankfully I lead her astray each time, lol.

Octavian also makes me uncomfortable.
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not sure if this has been discussed already. mercy, I’m new here!

I definitely keep Elise at an arms-length myself. not to mention she constantly asks for advice in gift-giving...thankfully I lead her astray each time, lol.

Octavian also makes me uncomfortable.

Hahaha I love the topic! I can't remember which villager it was. I think it was Merry or Rosie, but I didn't appreciate their term of endearment for me. It sounded condescending every time they would talk to me. I'm like "this is my camp, I could ban you, you know?" Anyway, I did xD, that's why I don't remember who it was. I go out of my way to not invite Fuschia, Mira, Pierto and Stitches because I don't like they're colour palettes; they hurt my eyes. I get annoyed when Twiggy is at my camp because when he/she greets me it's this weird electronic music that's like nails on a chalkboard. I hide Octavian in my cabin (I still need some harmony essence, so I keep him). Rodeo and Rilla scare me, and Gaston looks cheesed every time he talks to me (all I ever do is find his book, which he keeps losing even though he PROMISES me time and time again he won't lose it anymore), so I hardly invite him too...wow, I avoid a lot of the villagers, unless I need their essence LOL
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This is hysterical! Seems like most of the ones you avoid are my favs, Pietro is my bestie...but I do lean toward the sheep. I lobe Ribbot. I don’t care for the dogs. They bore me and I’m a dog person in life.
Literally any monkey, their design to assemble some human/monkey baby mutated thing is just grotesque. Not a fan of most birds either..like eh.