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Is your town name unique? Or uncommon?

I've never seen anyone else with the town name "Moon Bay" but I've seen a couple of moon-related names.
My town name seems to be unique. I don't think anybody else is using it, no other town pops up in the dream search either.
I don't know whether mine is common or uncommon - Toast?
I mainly named it that so my characters name [Beans] could match o3o
My town's name is Wisteria (don't know why - I think of Desperate Housewives now though) and I've never seen anyone else with it
I think there are quite a few towns called Floria. It's a planet in the Kirby games, and since kirby is my favourite Nintendo character I chose Floria.
i think i mine is unique i have seen many havens but on Bluhaven i check the dream suite and see if there is any others
Hm, I think my town's name is pretty unique. I don't know how I came of it, guess I always had a thing for wolves. :p
My town name is Darkvine. I'm currently unaware of anyone who shares the same town name as me. I've have the same town name when I have Wild World.
I think my town name is unique. Haven't bumped into any other town named Fewlane (Anagram for New Leaf).
Imo I think mine is both unique and uncommon, for I haven't seen anyone else with the name Abstract or Oashisu.
Abstract is unique because I knew that going into this game that my town would never be perfect, so I called it Abstract :)
Now my second town, Oahshisu, means sea or ocean in Japan and I love the beach so I thought that was a perfect fit!
My town name definitely isn't unique as I named it after Lilycove City in Pok?mon R&S. ^^;
My town name is "town". I didn't think so many people would share a similar name to my town since not a lot of effort was really put into the title, lol, but Luna from the dream suite proved otherwise.
I named my town after a skyrim because i was playing skyrim while waiting for my game to download. I have never seen anyone else using it. my second town which im going to make a sheep town is named Foroyar which i think is kind of unique
I know Balamb isn't unique...because I took it from Final Fantasy VIII, but it doesn't seem to be used that often, if the Dream Suite is any indication.

Bunifrey is completely unique because my fiance made it up for me. I wanted to make a bunny tribute town for our rabbit who died and I'm a big Whovian so Bun Bun plus Galifrey equals Bunifrey. ^_^
A user on here has Camellia for her town name too but I don't know if anyone else has it.

I made a new town on my 2nd copy and it's named Seaberry. I just really like that name.
Mines Mowville, which I feel like someone else might have out there but I haven't checked in Dream suite. and my 2nd town is Arcadia. which I feel like is a little less common