incorrect fact time!


seeker of truth
Dec 26, 2013
Arcade Tokens
Orange (Fruit)
Silver Mailbox
Post wierd things. Horribly incorrect facts. I dont care.

~In 1300, a rare polar bear x chicken was found lying in London. The picture proof disappeared along with the reporter and all that was with him.
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When glass was first used in making windows, companies would intentionally break the windows of people who bought from other companies as a way of showing their own windows are the strongest.
When glass was first used in making windows, companies would intentionally break the windows of people who bought from other companies as a way of showing their own windows are the strongest.
Scientists in Germany have proven that Dogs and Cats can actually breed. The resulting litter is usually a mix between kitten and puppy features. This new species is called Coline. Their young are called Niolen. Niolen are now selling at $35,000 each.
Oh, jacked my thread idea. Aw, well. I was being a little too lazy anyway.
chickens and eggs exist outside of space and time, that is why the question 'what came first? the chicken, or the egg?' is false
In 1994 crazy grandmas all over the globe celebrated the day of my birth
Pants were invented by sailors in the sixteenth century to avoid Poseidon's wrath. It was believed that the sight of naked sailors angered the sea god.
Slavery never actually occurred. It was invented by the governments of the world as a way of forcing history to become more interesting.