Hybrid red roses make black rose


Senior Member
Jun 28, 2013
I got the the fence and I planted 4 hybrid red roses with fertilizer.

At 5:58 am, I checked and there were no other flowers in the fence except the 4 original 2nd generation red roses.

I have a couple of questions.

1. Can a villager put down flowers inside the fence?

2. Can my 2nd generation red roses that came from an orange/purple combo produce another red rose and a black rose?
I don't have the fence, so not sure on that one.

Also, I wanted to let you know that twice now I've had a black rose spawn from a red and a pink rose so I'd say it was possible!!
Any red x red will make black. (Including red x pink, red x orange).
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Yes, Villagers can plant flowers anywhere. Usually in the most inconvenient spot as well :p