How would you improve Toy Day?


Inexperienced Person
Aug 9, 2017
I, like many others, was sorely disappointed in the Toy Day event. It was too short and had rubbish rewards. It got me thinking what I would do if I was Nintendo to improve the event. So this is my take on what I would do to improve it. What would you guys do?

1st Dec - My Toy Day event would actually start on the first of December. Jingle would visit your town and ask you to decorate your island ready for the 24th. He’d give you a festive DIY as well as tell you that you could find other DIYs in balloons or being crafted by other villagers. Isabelle would also give you two DIYs throughout the course of December, the big festive tree and the festive wreath.

17th Dec - Around a week before Toy Day, Pete would show up in your town dressed in festive clothing. He’d tell you that since being laid off from the post office, he’s now helping deliver everybody’s letters to Santa! But tragedy has struck! The winds blown all your villagers letter out of Petes bag. He asks for your help in getting them back. Each villager has a letter you’ll need to return, excluding villagers in boxes. You can find the letters floating on the wind, randomly on the ground, floating in the ponds or rivers or stuck to tree trunks. You’ll need to find and return all the letters to Pete by the end of the day.

24th Dec - I would leave the event on the 24th pretty much the same. You’d help Jingle craft some wrapping paper and then help him deliver presents. If you’d found all the the missing letters for Pete, your character would automatically give the right presents to each villager. If you hadn’t, your character would give random gifts to the villagers. All the villagers would give you present back unless you had a negative friendship level with them. Villagers that received what they wanted would give you either a festive item or DIY, with DIY’s that you didn’t currently have talking precedence. Villagers that didn’t get what they wanted would just give you a random item. Jingle would reward you with festive items rather than DIYs.

25th - on the 25th you’d be able to buy all the festive DIY’s from Nooks.

So that’s how my Toy Day would go. What would everyone else do differently?
I love your ideas so much!!!! I agree with all of these, especially the first one. I love the idea of Jingle rewarding and incentivizing people to decorate their islands for the festivities. Christmas is such a big deal for me and my family and we go all out.

I also was really sad that yet another game lacks the ability to put lights on your house, or doesn't make them appear! :( Ever since I was a kid playing the GC and CF games I really really wanted to be able to have Christmas lights on my house :( It would look SO cute, and I feel like they're super lazy with the decor by not putting lights on the buildings. Christmas lights are like, the most basic form of decor. It makes me mad. Maybe next year, but I'm not counting on it.
i would definitely bring back the old christmas furniture ( i want a christmas tree so badly), i would also maybe implement a secret santa aspect, so like u could get a randomly generated character to get a gift for. that could be fun. Also, sable and blathers would also have christmas hats on
I liked all your ideas except maybe the one from the event on the 24th, for some reason i wished that we could keep santas magic bag and also to add some kind of more intricate interaction, like for example you actually have to get them toys for presents on christmas and you have to figure out which one they like more through out december. I personally just did not like to give gifts randomly from a bag, it made me feel like i was giving one of those empty decorative gifts lol
Just make it exactly the same as it was in New Leaf. Why get rid of a winning formula? It was so much more satisfying to learn about your villagers' color and type preferences over the course of the month of December to then finally guess their designated present right when the fated day came. Instead, it's just... yeah, here's a bag with presents and the villagers will immediately like the random gift that you gave them that you never see again and the whole thing can be done in 10-15 minutes.

It's just so soulless, it used to be about actually speaking and knowing your villagers to please them. Now, it's just a matter of getting Jingle's DIYs and pictures and that's it, really. Why should I bother to do it next year when it's of so little consequence?
I will probably make a mini game starting on December 1st to determine their wishlist. (The game itself will restrict items in your catalog collection.)

You ask them questions about their preferences each day. They will give you hints as days go by with a total of three.

On the 24th, you will wrap the presents and hand it over to them. They will then give you comical comments when you failed getting the right gift. As a reward, you will get a present from them which includes exclusive Christmas themed furniture!
As much as I like the very first idea, you will have people complaining on how "Animal Crossing is forcing me to participate in a holiday I don't personally celebrate, therefore it is racist" or some such nonsense like that.

I would change it so that you can find festive DIYs out of balloons and through villagers. I honestly wouldn't change the gifting from Santa, but I would make the present exchange more of a big deal. I would have Isabelle announce it a week in advance and have her remind you the day before Toy Day. The presents you would get would be selected from the pool of DIYs you don't own yet or a special set of DIYs related to specific species of animals or personalities. Imagine themed sets that are based on lazy villagers (like the sloppy set) or a set that are based on snooty villagers (I guess the modern set or something sleek like that?). Or just a set of DIYs that are all themed around gifts so that all the furniture looks like presents. Like a variation of the cardboard box set.

I would also have KK show up for Christmas Day and have him set up a little caroling band to watch with all the NPCs that you get to watch when you first boot up the game for Christmas Day. And then KK stays around to sing a new holiday or winter-themed song to give you that day while everyone (except for Isabelle) goes back to work. Isabelle would stay outside and give you something cute in exchange for holiday decorations or something (since she knows they are falling off of the trees she decorated). Like a bopper that looks like reindeer antlers or a bopper that looks like an ornament or different variations of candy canes that you can hold. Or something.
Your ideas are super cute !! But like meggiewes said people will start complaining that we're getting Toy Day forced onto us.
Personally I wish they'd bring back the part where you have to find out which gift the villagers actually wants. I started taking screenshot at the beginning because I thought there was indications of that but it turned out to not be a part of the game at all ._.
I like your ideas! :lemon:

Honestly even if it was mostly the same as ACNL I'd be happy. When December 1st came around I was expecting Jingle to make some kind of an announcement telling me to start the preparations like in NL so I was surprised when he he just popped up on Toy Day. I liked the elements of working on it throughout the month and then having my preparations come to fruition on the day of the event.

I don't have any specific new ideas though
My answer will be simple.

1. Use experience developers had from previous games.
2. Make December a month for a preparation (like NL).
3. Add extra features comparing to previous games.
4. Make experience complete, not taking away any features, but add new or at least replace with something better.
Halloween and Toy Day both totally blew in acnh imo. might just be my nostalgia goggles but restoring them back to how they were in new leaf would at least be an improvement on the garbage we got I think lol

I also really like your idea, especially the Pete incorporation!
I think a cool idea for toy day, would be if it was a minigame.
So Jingles sleigh has broken down, and you have to deliver the presents.
But, you have to play a stealth game in which sneak into villagers houses and put their presents in stockings and under their Xmas trees. There would be cues to when they would wake up, you would have to hide behind furniture,under furniture and create distractions to divert there attention. If you wake them up/get caught, you wouldn't gain points for it. But if you delivered presents successfully and in the least amount of time, you would gain more points for it.
The more presents you successfully deliver to villagers the more points you would get collectively.
There would be points tiers,in consideration of how well or poorly you did.
And in these points tiers you would receive a different present from Jingle.
Just an idea i've had for a while.
I kind of liked the event as is. I spent too much time already collecting DIYs and decorating that having to find out what villagers like and find the item would had been too much work. Plus, you'd just mess up their houses with junk. Christmas Eve is a very busy day for me, so the fact I could log on for a couple minutes was great. Sure it could have been better, but making it long and monotonous like Turkey Day would be sad IMO. I do wish they'd offer the festive DIY through the event though, much like Halloween.
i played both the new horizons and new leaf toy day events at the same time and honestly preferred new leaf's by a mile, it was more fun learning about what your villager wanted instead of just gifting them gift wrapped fruit :/

your idea is also pretty cute actually lol
Heres what I would do:

1. If you give villagers wrapped gifts you can get DIYS for Jingle Furniture (seriously why did they left that out?)

2. Jingle would give you an extra reward if you dressed up as Santa like the Gift Pile as an item instead of a DIY

3. The Villagers should give you different variety of gifts other than the Toy gifts that you saw in the Shop

4. Jingle would give you another go at delivering presents if you feel like you want to do it again (instead of time traveling forward/backward to do it again)

5. Give us the option to keep the Magic Bag as like an item. I mean I get its an exclusive item but still it would be cool if we hold on to it.
Make it where the villagers hint what they want for toy doy starting December 1st. Using the toys you buy from the store as to what to give them. I have a reward if you get it right just in new leaf. Also add some mini games to toy day and some more challenges to make it more interesting.
Your idea is so cute! I love how it's interactive and takes place throughout the whole month, that's something I miss from New Leaf. I loved talking to villagers and having them tell me what sort of toy they were hoping to get from Jingle - I wish that had been brought back!

Or at the very least had it so that Toy Day itself could've been like scavenger hunt, of sorts? Maybe when Jingle flew down to the island his toy bag fell open, dropping all the toys all over the island so we had to go find them and use hints from the villagers to figure out which item went they wanted. I think that would've been a fair compromise, if they didn't want the event to require us having played the game prior to the date itself. Just something a little more interactive then, "here's my magical toy sack that knows exactly what the specific villager you're talking to wants!"

I would've loved for Isabelle to hand out the Big Festive Tree & Festive Wreath DIY as well! I'm still bummed the Festive Wreath isn't a DIY because I would've preferred my villagers to have that one on their doors, vs the ornament wreath. I think the DIY's should've been able to be found via villagers as well under the guise of them being so excited to decorate for Toy Day. They were crafting for Halloween so I don't see why not!

I wish the reward we got from Jingle would've been more Festive items, too. I love the sled that we got! I wish we got more items like that, vs... wrapping paper, and another set of stockings, lol. I wish we'd gotten DIYs for festive garland, a festive wand (idk, maybe it would've looked like a candy cane or something?), things like that. I also wish Jingle would've given us our own special magical bag as a thank you, making us an honourary helper or something!
i wish we had more to do with our villagers. i wanted to feel like i was celebrating with them. i think itd be cute that on toy day there were little events, like building snowboys with them, being around a (bigger) tree, caroling, just.....things to actually do
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like i am so disappointed with the honestly LACK of items and diys on toy day. you get three things during the event (not counting jingles pic because i didnt even get it because busy on christmas) and none are from the villagers (toy items you could buy all month dont count) like the villagers felt non-existent during the event despite being the biggest part
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