How squeamish are you?


Sep 11, 2015
Red Tulip
White Tulip
On a scale of 0-10, 0 being not at all and 10 being you faint at the sight of blood: How squeamish are you?

Like 1 or 2 tbh
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I accidentally seen an ISIS video once, and I think, after seeing that, nothing can be any worse. So, 1.
it depends tbh. i'm very squeamish when it comes to needles. if i'm getting a shot, i have to close my eyes!!

so i'd say 5-6? im not sure, i don't squeam that much at stuff
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I'd say maybe 2-3

I've had to rip out, with my hands, a water-logged bird's nest full of dead baby birds out of my gutters before. I would have liked to use a tool but it was in a very awkward spot (hence why the nest was there), and it was raining and my ceiling was leaking so...

I cringed a little, but yeah I had to do it so I just did it...

General gore though? Definitely a 0.
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Maybe a 3-4? I kind of dislike the super violent things but I still find it interesting...
*-9999999 for animal cruelty
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If we're talking solely about gore/blood/dead things, I'd be around a -100.
1. for lot of things
10. for taxes, paperwork, making phone calls, animal cruelty, wars.
0. for needles, blood (especially my own).
0. I just dont' care like I've seen isis videos and **** like this and i'm just like "yeah and!?!?!?"
I faint on blood tests and the doctors have to pick me up... I also faint so quickly that my pupils are running around in my eyes while I am faint because my eyes didn't get to close.
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10 for animal cruelty of any kind
1-2 for blood and dead things
7-8 for things like needles, crackling bones and joints
I'd say a 1 or 2. I can handle things like dog poop, cat vomit, I can watch uncensored surgery, and see blood without freaking out, but dead things or human throw up is too much.
I'd say a 1 or 2. I can handle things like dog poop, cat vomit, I can watch uncensored surgery, and see blood without freaking out, but dead things or human throw up is too much.

Reminds me of one morning last week: I had cut myself, on my way to grab something to wipe the blood, I almost walked on cat vomit, on my way to fetch paper towel, I found half a squirrel on the floor in the basement, went to get gloves and bag, came back, no more squirrel, searched for it, discovering the cat throwing it in the air and trying to catch it in MY ROOM, with all the insides spilling everywhere, went to fetch more paper towels, disinfectant etc, walked barefoot on a slug in the kitchen!
(cats bring slugs in the house on their bellies when it's raining)

Cat vomit, poop and parts of dead animals are my daily life -__-
I mean I had to dissect dead people for school so pretty low. I'll give it a 1 since surgery on real eyeballs freaks me out. Mainly because they move during procedures. Luckily the cadavers I dissected had their eyes removed.

Good point riummi/ Koden though, I think I'm also a 10 if it's human on animal violence.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Reminds me of one morning last week: I had cut myself, on my way to grab something to wipe the blood, I almost walked on cat vomit, on my way to fetch paper towel, I found half a squirrel on the floor in the basement, went to get gloves and bag, came back, no more squirrel, searched for it, discovering the cat throwing it in the air and trying to catch it in MY ROOM, with all the insides spilling everywhere, went to fetch more paper towels, disinfectant etc, walked barefoot on a slug in the kitchen!
(cats bring slugs in the house on their bellies when it's raining)
Cat vomit, poop and parts of dead animals are my daily life -__-

Wow this was a great read.
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I mean probably like an 7 I don't like seeing people/animals getting injured or watching a surgery or like gore or maggots eating a dogs face off (true story I just saw a video of it on fb) but I'm not afraid of needles........... I mean I guess none of these things make me feel faint/weak I just don't like them AT ALL.......
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Maybe 2 or 3.

I picked up a baby turtle on the grass at school so the crowd people walking to school through the sidewalk next to the grass wouldn't step on it by accident. Turned out that it was nearly headless (dead obviously) with a flap of skin dangling the head from the shell. Sad for the turtle, but I wasn't too freaked out.
Blood doesn't really bother me.

Only really bad gore or injuries bother me.
Hmm, for real life blood, injuries, dead bodies, etc, I'm completely fine. I've got my first aid cert for work and it has gotten plenty of use over the years, at work and just out and about. None of that fazes me whatsoever, though I wouldn't want to see stuff this just for "fun" or anything.

I don't care for graphic depictions of violence, gore, etc though. Too much makes me squeamish but it also really turns me off whatever I'm watching/reading, as that kind of overly-detailed stuff is mostly used to cover up the lack of depth in the material. Shock value holds no appeal for me at all.

- probably a 1 for real life stuff, and maybe a 3 or 4 for dramatic stuff. I try to steer clear of graphic news contents regarding violence so I don't become desensitised to such events. I'll read and watch news that covers things in a more suitable manner for my taste.
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