How hard is it to cycle back 16 villagers?


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2013
Silver Mailbox
So I'm kinda really starting to miss Ankha, Lolly, and Julian from my main. I actually have all 3 in different towns so I could get them back. It's just they were all so great it'd be amazing the have them back. My only concern is that it may be hard. I think I've cycled at least 4-5 since Julian and Lolly since I've seen them on Main Street. I believe Ankha will be next if I pursue this.

Should I do it or keep the residents I have now. It's not like I don't like them, I adore all of them and I have a fear I'd lose my favorites still my town now...
My first villagers moved out in.. August? They don't appear on Main Street any more, so I'd guess I cycled 16, although it took a while. However, the cycle will probably be quicker if you purposely are cycling.
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I think it's hard, actually. Well, depends on your situation. I currently have 9 I want to keep, and 1 I want out. It's been like 3 months and that one villager will not ping! So, if that's your situation, it's going to be hard. If you have like 4 or 5 villagers you are willing to let go, then doing the 16 cycle is not that hard.
I think it's hard, actually. Well, depends on your situation. I currently have 9 I want to keep, and 1 I want out. It's been like 3 months and that one villager will not ping! So, if that's your situation, it's going to be hard. If you have like 4 or 5 villagers you are willing to let go, then doing the 16 cycle is not that hard.

I willing to let go 5 I think because I have Apple to replace Chrissy, Fuchsia to replace Hazel, and Fauna, Francine, and Zell will be replaces my Ankha, Lolly, and Julian so I could get 5 out at a time I suppose. I just really want those villagers back :'(

- - - Post Merge - - -

My first villagers moved out in.. August? They don't appear on Main Street any more, so I'd guess I cycled 16, although it took a while. However, the cycle will probably be quicker if you purposely are cycling.
I would TT for sure
It would probably take awhile if you are trying to keep certain villagers in your town. If you didn't care about any of the ones you have now it probably wouldn't take long at all.
Cycling depends on how many dreamies you want to keep. If you have 10 villagers you abhor and continue getting terrible villagers, then cycling out 16 will probably take you an hour or two.
It depends a lot on how many villagers you have to switch out. And also how good you are at TTing out villagers.

We seem to be in a very similar situation. : D I lost Julian a little while ago and stuck him in another town for safeholding. I have 3 towns to work with and about half a town's worth of villagers to switch around. It can go pretty quick. I cycled through 5 in one day. The trick is to keep supplying yourself with villagers ready to move in instead of relying on the campsite or the 9th slot random move in. Either take them from your other towns or from the forums. If you always have 9 or 10 villagers, someone will always want to move out, which keeps the cycle moving along nicely.

Er, also, here's a long ramble about cycling multiple villagers, including ones in your town right now that you'd eventually like to keep. I wrote it in response to your last paragraph in the first post and then realized it was super rambly, but don't want to delete it. D:
The cool thing about cycling is that you don't have to give up the villagers you have in town right now (except the ones required to make space for the three you want back). If you kick them out and put them in another town of yours, they count towards your cycle, and every villager after that counts towards getting them back. Essentially, you can cycle more than one villager at a time. You can also reset for plot placement or something once you get them back, which is nice if they moved in kind of randomly. : D

It's kind of hard to explain, so here is the list I've come up with for my own cycling. I originally lost Julian and then messed up placing Lucy's plot. I decided to TT her out again and then TT out Wendy and Olivia while I was at it, cycle them through, and then move their new plots to better locations later.

- Moved in Lucy

1 - Frank
- Moved in Static

2 - Lucy
- Moved in Genji

3 - Wendy
- Moved in Shep

4 - Olivia
- Moved in Chevre

5 - Kabuki
- Moved in Mitzi

6 - Shep [Seen]
- Moved in Beau

7 - Olaf [Seen]
- Moved in Flora

8 - [Seen]
- Moved in

9 - [Seen]
- Moved in

10 - [Seen]
- Moved in

11 - [Seen]
- Moved in

12 - [Seen]
- Moved in

13 - [Seen]
- Moved in

14 - [Seen]
- Moved in

15 - [Seen]
- Moved in

16 - [Seen]
- Moved in

17 - [Seen]
- Moved in Julian

18 - [Unseen]
- Moved in

19 - [Unseen]
- Moved in Lucy

20 - [Unseen]
- Moved in Wendy

21 - [Unseen]
- Moved in Olivia
I'm also keeping track of who I put into my town for the purposes of TTing out since I can choose what villagers I see on Main Street this way! It's a grossly overcomplicated step, though, so feel free to skip. .-.
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Thanks so much! I think I'm just going to cycle out 5 and then just keep going until around 13 ish since it's been about 4 since Ankha :)