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How do you handle loosing in a game?


🔥The Spicy Prince🔥
Oct 14, 2020
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Im curious because this really changes for me, because most of the time Im just amused, esspecially if its a mobile game, or other online multiplayer games.

I don't take those seriously, and could care less about loosing to a rando. I've lost many games in *South Park: Phone Destroyer* but Im just there to battle, and try out combos. However some people take the game seriously, and spend zillions on getting higher cards because they lost to a lower ranked player and their Robinhood Tweek, thats two levels below their own cards.

But depending on the game, in say Pokemon it can be a little frusterating. Esspecially during Elite four battles, but I, myself don't really care, and just go at it again. If anything its a learning experience, and I can go back in with a better strategy.

The only game I ever got upset about loosing was *One shot* which is an rpg maker game, which if you die, then thats it, no more playing it for you. The game closes, and there's no option to play it again. Its probably been modified, but thats how the developer intended it to go, so I haven't played it since.

In other words Im a casual gamer who doesn't care about ranks or loosing.

But when you loose a game, how do you react/handle it?
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depends on how many times I've attempted whatever it is I'm losing at.

most of the time I don't care much if I lose, I just keep trying. I act like I'm mad but it's all in fun for me. I've been losing a lot particularly at Super Mario Sunshine bc I've never played it before until recently and the game mechanics take a bit to get used to. I also don't act competitive when I play games, especially like Mario Kart/Party, because for me being competitive takes the fun out of the game. if you're just playing for fun and not necessarily to win, then it doesn't matter if you lose or not it was still a fun time!

in other scenarios, like when I was trying to beat the Perfect Run in SMG2 (where I went in with 99 lives and inevitably got a game over), I just kinda quit and maybe come back to it later. I haven't tried to beat the perfect run in like 6 years though, I've been struggling with the Stone Cyclone galaxy so idek if I could come close to beating it now lol.
Typically, my reactions are anywhere from thinking its funny to "aww man", but I don't tend to take losing terribly seriously in games. Fall Guys is the only competitive multiplayer game I play, and it's really hard to get mad at that game, so I'm not usually bothered by losses. Unless there's an obvious bug/cheat at play, if I'm getting irritated at Fall Guys, it's more a sign that I'm actually frustrated about something else entirely.
If it's a singleplayer game, I'll usually just reload, maybe level-grind a bit, and then try again. If it happens repeatedly and I find myself getting legitimately frustrated with it, I'll put the game down and do something else for a while instead. Sometimes, if it's not crucial to the story and I'm simply not enjoying it anymore, I'll give up on that aspect altogether. I play video games to have fun, so hurting myself over one feels counterproductive.

It's probably also worth noting that I don't tend to play rage games/games known for having ridiculous difficulty. I know some people do like them, but they just don't sound like my idea of a good time. 😅
I don't like to play competitive games with strangers online and I don't really like games like dark souls with a "get gud" mentality so I don't really lose often but when I do it usually follows a pattern of "dang alright let me try again" then "well that didn't work let me try a new strategy" to "maybe I need to grind some levels" and finally "this game sucks I will not rest until I beat it" It does take a while for me to get angry but it speeds up a little when I'm losing to things that aren't my fault or that I can't control or account for. Looking at you luigis Mansion gc😅
I don’t play competitively, so losses don’t really bother me. Ironically enough, I do play sports games. It’s more in a casual way, though. Sure, it’s frustrating when I lose in online shootouts on an NHL game, but I quickly move on. It’s not worth losing sleep over. I’m one of the few casual sports gamers. (Few, because I like to think I’m not the only sports gamer that takes everything so seriously…)
internally, i'm honestly a bit of a sore loser. whether it be in raffles, contests, games, etc, losing always makes me feel bad and like the effort i put in wasn’t good enough. i’m trying to work on that, though. i’ve never thrown a fit or put anyone down because i lost, though, because it’s not a big deal nor is it anyone else’s problem or fault, so there’s no reason for me to make anyone else feel bad or ruin their time.

because of this, i very rarely play games competitively, but when i do (and lose), i simply congratulate the winner/s, step back for a moment to take a deep breath and promise myself that i’ll do better next time. :’)
I honestly just try to get better. One thing I really hate is when people just want to call it quits immediately instead of at least trying to improve. I understand though for certain games that sometimes the skill ceiling is just too high and would be too much of a time sink to get good at the game. Though in general, if you like a game I think you should try to get better at the multiplayer part of it instead of just quitting. I do get pretty pissed myself though. Mario Tennis Aces is one game I really pushed myself to improve on and I did! Though, at some point I hit a wall with the skill ceiling. It became too frustrating to where I had to just stop playing. I might return back to it one day though. I started playing years after release so most of the online had competent players. Same thing with Titanfall 2. I used to be the top in almost every game, but after coming back to it after a year or two it was just brutal. I got too frustrated when I constantly got removed from my titan in seconds.

tl;dr I push myself to get better, but sometimes the skill ceiling is too high for me to invest a lot of my free time into.
When playing rpgs like Pokemon or Bravely Default, I try to improve and level grind a bit. In addition, I'll change my strategy after each loss so I can get a better chance at winning. Sometimes, if I can't win in a game after making several attempts, I'll look up some videos online. For example, I looked up others playing Mario Tennis Aces on youtube because I had trouble with the controls and it helped me improve a lot. Watching others helps me come up with better strategies for boss battles. Or if I'm really stuck, I ask someone else who is more experienced to help me on certain levels.
Most of the time I say "oh nooo" and then I try again!😊 Sometimes I say "wowie" and get surprised.😮 Other times I turn off the game and get some Strawberries because they make me happy :) 🍓

I do not think there have been any scenarios that I get heated except once when I was 5 I didnt want to throw my Wii Remote but I was just joking and um I did not have the wrist strap on so it got smashed. It still works perfectly though?!!?!?! It still looks fine to this day and only has a small dent on the back ; they are really well made!
Depends on a game honestly. If it's some singleplayer, I normally don't get frustrated, even if it's a game that designed to be hard and challenging. Like, idk, Cuphead or Megaman games, they want you to learn from your mistakes. "Game over"s in RPGs and such make me rethink my strategy and actions
Competitive online games on the other hand... Depends if I'm tired or not. Usually I'm pretty chill or maybe annoyed a bit. However if I'm tired, I easily get tilted. But either way I try to analyze what I did wrong. "What led me to that loss? What I could do better? Did I overlooked my opponent's habits? Is there something I need to improve in my gameplan?"
In the end it motivates me to get better at the game
My patience for losing in a game is pretty small. I usually either grind for a few hours or take a break from the game.
I don't get too upset when I lose in a game. Depending on the type of game, I may level up more or try a different strategy. If I'm feeling completely lost I'll look up a guide online to see what I'm supposed to do. If it's a game where I know I can do better and I'm just not focused, then I don't care. I'll keep playing...and losing...if playing the game is helping me with my stress levels or if not then I'll put the game down until I can focus and play better.
I just click "retry" and do it again.

If I'm losing a lot I'll just stop playing the game for the day, I'm obviously just not in the right 'zone' if I'm consistently failing, or I just need to take my mind away from it and subconsciously assess what I'm doing. It's surprising how many walls I've hit that I waltz right through the next day after a break.
Well if its something I put a lot of work in then I leave the game for a day with no emotion and come back to it the next day or in 2 days. But with normally then I retry for usually 5 times if its hard and I got no where then I'll leave the game and try again later. More I think about it, I don't have really any emotions when I lose because I'm just like "oh well" or "too bad". Idk if I even care 😅
It depends on the game and how many times I have lost. I don’t mind losing at games when I’m first trying something. If it’s something I keep losing no matter how many times I try I take a break from that game. Sometimes I will go back and try again the next day. Sometimes it takes me a few days or weeks to try again.
I just get a bit frustrated and try again a couple more times before calling it a day. I think I get slightly more frustrated when I get close to beating (or making it through) a level just to barely lose out at the end. I don't take game losses personally though, which I think is good for keeping stress low and morale high!
I find that this depends entirely on what the game is...and whether I deem the loss to be "fair" or not. - In some instances, I am perfectly fine with losing over and over. Sometimes I even find it comical (if the game is kind about letting me try again, or just feels like it actually rewards players for understanding the process).

However, I have been known to fly into a rage when a game is poorly designed, or just feels as though it takes advantage of they player. Some people love games that are needlessly ruthless when it comes to losing. And this is fine for those people...but, I personally play games to have fun...so I hate it when I reach a part of a game that disrupts this entire process. Which is not to say that I don't value a challenge (balance is everything). Some games are merely balanced terribly, IMO.
It depends on the game and how I'm feeling at that time, since it's easy to let our emotions get the best of us at times. When I lose, I try and stay pretty calm and laugh it off. It's easier for me to accept losing in multiplayer games since there's more factors outside of your control. Sometimes you're not at your best, sometimes the other player(s) are just better than you, sometimes you're just stuck with player(s) who aren't that great. As long as I'm not desperately seeking out a win, I'm able to handle it pretty well despite the competitive spirit within me. In single player games, it can be a bit harder, since it can be easy to get worn down over time with loss after loss after loss, but if that happens I just try and take a break and mentally reset before coming back to that game.
It isn’t healthy, but I’ll rage quit, stop playing that game for a while (might be weeks even), and come back to it when I’ve cooled down and try again.
I pretty much play RPG games exclusively, so this is with things like boss battles I can’t beat, or an annoying barrier that’s preventing me from being successful.
I haven’t played an online competitive game in a long time, but with those type of games I actually don’t get upset when I get bested. Usually I just think about how there’s another human that’s practiced more than me.