how did you choose your island name?

I wanted to name it Dolphin Island, but that was way too many letters, so I went looking for other languages. I'm part Irish, and Deilf Isle fits perfectly, so there we go.
I named mine after the headquarters of the Inquisition in Dragon Age Inquisition; my town in NL was also named this.
My acnl town was called HeeHee, so I wanted to play off that vibe for my island. TeeheeTiki sounds like a good name for a bunch of baddies to hangout on.
My island name comes from my Nationstates (online political, worldbuilding simulator game) nation, called Aves' which is the scientific species name for birds; my island is meant to be an all-bird forest island based off my own fanmade nation, even the flag I made in NS is incorporated in-game. I was originally going to base it off the town 'Morioh' where Jojo part 4 took place; Other ideas included 'Pandora' where the Borderlands series is set before I changed my mind and made it my own.
Tanuki- tom nook runs the show in this game
Tomo- from 'tomodachi' meaning friend in Japanese, also relates to the speech about friends K.K. Slider gives you at the beginning of the game

My islands are called Vylbrand and Kilika.

Both are Final Fantasy references.
I wanted to name it after something from either Zelda or Avatar that would suit an island location. It was either going to be Lurelin Bay or Ember Island. I let my bf pick it for me between those two and he chose Ember Island. Well I believed some misinformation about naming the island (stupid of me) and I thought that the game will add a suffix after the name such as "Island" or "Bay" etc. So I put the name as Ember. Well, the info I had was wrong -_- so now my island name is just Ember. I almost reset.. but I didn't want to since I like having my first island ever be the only island I have. Now it actually grew on me and I see it as a more subtle reference to Avatar. :)
i've been using the name Skull since the first animal crossing game on gamecube.. was just a random name i picked one day that i thought sounded cool
i always go for names that are short and sweet! i was having a hard time deciding and honey just felt nice. in the past ive done mochi, cider, nutmeg. usually foods lol.
I picked Elfhame simply because my favorite fantasy book series takes place in the shifting isles of Elfhame :>
Acorn was the name of my second new leaf town. I always really loved the name because it fit a natural/forest theme but I knew I didn't want it to be my main towns name in new leaf.
So, a few months before new horizons was released I decided I was going to name my island Acorn. I love it. It's simple, but I think it's cute.
I thought about something I love about my cottage and came up with Lunar based on the beautifully breathtaking starry night sky!
I wanted to originally make a small seaport themed island and it was between Seabreeze and Seabrook. I'm not sure why I ended up choosing Seabrook out of the two since I really like both names.

Looking at things now, I wish I named it something else more forest-themed since the seaport theme hasn't really stuck lol
Lilacs are my favorite flowers and I love how the purple hyacinths look in this game (kinda like lilacs) so I went with that!