Hi everyone~


Junior Member
Feb 3, 2017
Hello everyone, my name is Cameron and I am 15 years old. My birthday is 27th April 2001. I have been playing Animal Crossing for about 2 years now and I really enjoy playing it. I play it when I'm at home and when I want to leave my house (because I never do xD) I play out and about. If anyone would like my friend code just ask and I will give you it. Other games I play are Pok?mon, Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Minecraft and Just Dance 2017, also yes I do have a Wii U. Thats all you really need to know about me, thank you very much for reading!

Cameron/Muudkiip~ :)
Hi! You have the EXACT same birthday as my boyfriend's little brother! Like, exact same day. Year and everything. How crazy! It's also close to my birthday (April 21st). Welcome to the forums, even if you aren't new to New Leaf! I also play Pokemon, Splatoon, and Minecraft. That means you have good taste. :blush: I hope you enjoy your time here! I've been on the forums in total for a couple years, they're fun!