Have you ever bought a game without looking into it? How was it?

I bought a game called Yonder without really looking into it other than just one single review that said the game was similar to Breath of the Wild with you being in a post-apocalyptic type of island and you had to help everything go back to being better.

What the was actually about was you starting off being on a ship, and then the ship wrecks and you have to spend the whole game trying to find different fairies and that’s about as far as I got in the game. I thought the game would be super peaceful or something, but tbh the dialogue of the game was super weird and didn’t help me invest in the game at all, and the rest of the game was just super lackluster. You could go to different villages, but all the character looked the exact same and even has the same names and dialogue!!

Tbh the game seemed like a rip-off, especially because it cost around $40 I think. Worst waste of money I have ever let myself get away with oof.
I brought acww many years ago on special and I never regretted it :) till now and the look of the graphics, but I still cherish all my sweet and wonderful memories playing it
I bought Octopath Traveler without knowing anything.
Ended up being (I think?) from the same creators of the Bravely series and I loved it. Really interesting concept, the characters were engaging and I liked their stories, plus turn-based grinding JRPGs are totally something I love.
When I was a kid, almost every game I bought was a blind purchase...usually based on nothing but the boxart (or the price, if they were in the $5 bin at Blockbuster or something). Ah...the good old days. These days...nah, I pretty much always know what I'm buying, and buy it for the exact reason that I was already aware of/wanted it. Maybe some of the eshop games that I bought on sale were blind buys...but I also would read about those before I bought them. I know a bunch of those cheap games are shovelware...so I would still do a quick search to see if a "good deal" was actually a good deal...or if it was just a bad game.
I did with Super Mystery Dungeon on 3DS and Legends of Zelda Triforce Heroes. I will never not research a game again. I purchased them at the same time with Christmas money when I was younger. These two games were awful and not at all what I was expecting
I got Alter Ego on my phone after getting an ad, because the personality tests looked cool-
it was quick, but SUPER fun! definitely recommend :D
The only time I ever bought a game without really looking into was NiGHTS on the Wii. I previously bought a used game at GameStop and completed it in a day or two and I knew I would never play it again and brought it back. I didn't think of looking into another game so I grabbed NiGHTS because it looked interesting and I ended it loving it and I still hope for another game someday.
i think the only game i never really looked into before buying it was new leaf! definitely one of my favorite games of all time and i'm glad i never looked up stuff online about it either when playing, so me and my friend explored it and made some good memories together c:
Zelda: Breath of the Wild is the one that sticks out the most to me. It was out for almost two years when I got it, but I went in knowing nothing about it other than it was the new Zelda. Ended up becoming one of my favourite games in the series.
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I can't think of any game I've bought without first researching reviews and gameplay... Maybe Sim City? I bought the full game after playing the mobile version and was severely disappointed with how complicated everything was. I didn't know what the game was like. I just heard about it from my sister, who used to play it. Definitely wasn't as exciting as it sounded like, and not at all like the mobile version (which isn't even a good game, just addicting).
I have! Sort of? I bought Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch impulsively when I saw it was on sale in the game store. I hadn’t seen proper reviews or anything of it but I’d heard it was designed by Studio Ghibli (or something like that) so it was enough for me.

I like it, although I’m not much good! I find the battling system tricky (but I’m really bad at games so that’s probably a me problem haha) but I think it looks beautiful and the story is enjoyable so far!
As a kid many times, sometimes they were great like ACWW, sometimes they were ridicolous like a Need for Speed game for Wii.
NieR Automata. That game ripped out my heart and stomped on it.

I bought Rocket League a few years back when it went on sale and I don't regret it at all. I saw cars and soccer and figured why not. 500+ hours later and I do not regret buying it at all. Easily, one of my top 5 games of all time.

Forager. I bought it because it was cheap and I fancied a quick game, several hours later and I spent all night playing it. It's a shame it's so short, otherwise great quality.
honestly, legend of zelda: breath of the wild
story time...

my cousin was visiting back in 2018, i hadn't seen her in over 10 years and i was so excited to talk to her again
then she saw my switch and said "have u played lozbotw" and i said "no" then she told me i should get it so i was literally like "ok" then got it the next day for £35 (it was secondhand)
I bought Rocket League a few years back when it went on sale and I don't regret it at all. I saw cars and soccer and figured why not. 500+ hours later and I do not regret buying it at all. Easily, one of my top 5 games of all time.

Overwatch. My friends had been playing it for a while but at first I just didn't see the appeal, then they asked me to have a go and oh boy.. 747 hours later and I'm a top ranking player. I love the game so much, it's such an escape from reality and I set up my own playlist on spotify for each session. I even sometimes twitch, but only to friends and a hand full of followers. Great fun!
Pretty much only when I was younger, now I'm very careful about looking into the games I play before purchasing them. I got Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter on the DS because I loved the first game and... well, let's say that my warm feelings for the first game didn't carry over to the second. Ten-year-old me cried over that game a lot, and not in the good way.
Making an impulse buy did work out for me really well one time though! My parents let me pick out a game I wanted from the store one day, and I got Dragon Quest IX based pretty much entirely on the blurb on the back of the case sounding interesting. Did not regret that decision in the least; I got a ton of hours of fun out of it and now I'm a huge fan of the Dragon Quest series as a whole.
Most games that I got when I was young I never looked into, I usually picked a game from seeing it in a trailer or if I was in a shop and a game cover caught my attention and the description on the back sounded good then I'd usually purchase it. I decided to purchased Animal Crossing Wild World after receiving a little leaflet with my DS and seeing a trailer, I never fully researched what the game was about but I fell in love with the game straight away so it was definitely worth it. My original DS was also the bundle that came with Nintendogs which I picked through a trailer and due to my love of dogs without knowing anything about the game but this was another one that I really enjoyed.

These days though as I'm more sensible with spending I only purchase a game after looking into it and reading reviews to work out whether it's worth my money or time as I don't want to use money on a game that I won't get much enjoyment from, especially with how expensive many of them are now.
Animal Crossing Wild World 😂
and I’m still here so, you decide how that turned out
My most recent success with this was the Yakuza series. I heard in a generic sense that it was good, but didn't know anything else. I've now played 3 games in the series and love them so much. Looking forward to continuing on with the series later this year (taking a break with other games so I don't get burnout).