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Have you ever bought a game without looking into it? How was it?

Yeah they are on the 3DS called EDGE and Color Zen. I bought the games since they were on sale and they looked pretty cool. They turned out to be pretty great.
I got Rune Factory 4 without looking into it, and it was a blast. That game is seriously addicting, being that I'm also a fan of games like Harvest Moon. IDK why but I just really enjoy farming simulators.
I bought Okami for the Wii recently at a rummage sale just because the graphics looks cool, and I actually ended up really liking the game!
Bought a fashion game for the DS, hoping it would help with character design. Nope, there's a plot - and not one I particularly like. Played it maybe twice, never since, and for some reason I still have it.
Sims 4, I had played Sims 3 on off for years so I didn't really question it. I did not like it. Really didn't like it. It kinda ruined Sims. I'm sure it's different now with updates and stuff but like, I can't be bothered with it.

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Though I am curious now to see what the game is like, so maybe someday...
Sims 4, I had played Sims 3 on off for years so I didn't really question it. I did not like it. Really didn't like it. It kinda ruined Sims. I'm sure it's different now with updates and stuff but like, I can't be bothered with it.

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Though I am curious now to see what the game is like, so maybe someday...

Really? What didn?t you like about it? I loved the sims 3 and have been debating whether I should buy the sims 4 games for my pc.
Really? What didn’t you like about it? I loved the sims 3 and have been debating whether I should buy the sims 4 games for my pc.

It felt a lot more restrictive than Sims 3, like in Sims 3 you could make your Sims run up the street or go jogging, in Sims 4 I don't recall these being options, In fact I remember there was a loading screen before you could leave? It just felt a lot more closed in. It felt like a downgrade to be honest, rather than the next segment of a game series. I do remember going back and playing a bit but it clearly didn't make me stay lol.
I don't think I ever have. I check reviews, watch gameplay videos and just generally read up on what kind of game it is before buying. The thought of getting disappointed is something that often stops me from experience certain games, especially if they're from a genre that I'm not absolutely fond of.
Pretty much every Steam sale I purchase a bunch blindly.... I'd say over 90% end up being things I really enjoyed, or at the very least, were worth the money/time spent. In the rare case I buy garbage, loading it up with friends or my SO watching has always turned a bad game into a good game.
I think buying blindly, if the price is reasonable, can be a good way to get into publishers and genres you never would have otherwise. I've found soooo many indie games through this.
Every game I've bought I've played without looking into first. I went by a recommendation and ended up really enjoying them, specifically speaking about the Trauma Center series by ATLUS, Persona by ATLUS, Portal, and I bought but haven't played Life is Strange.
Yes, acnl. Lmao
And I actually did not get into it for 2 months before figuring out about time traveling and plotting. Now its my fav game and ima pro!
I do that all the time with my little brother. He'll want it, and I won't question it unless it's like M rated or something.
Yeah. Hitman, Stardew Valley, Pokemon Y, Pokemon Sun.
I love them all.

One game I bought that a ****ed up on however, was Mafia 3.
That game was so ****.
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It's kinda like my experience, when I've been purchasing a game about 12 zodiac signs on PS2... yep, it was pretty a long time ago. I like to read predictions about gemini and taurus cause they are our zodiac signs with my fiancee, and we try to do all the actions how they recommend in the articles, cause it can help in the future.
I got Rune Factory 4 for a birthday present one year after having asked for it, I only knew that it was a fantasy-based Harvest Moon spinoff. I was presented with the game, and it is probably the most fun 3ds game I've ever played.
I think I picked up the first Professor Layton game just because the back said it was a puzzle game. It was an amazing experience for me and I've continued playing the series, I think I only missed two or three of the last DS games. :lemon:
when i was younger, i pretty much bought all my games based on what the name, box art and description was.

more recently (which was still a while ago), i purchased harvest moon: a new beginning without looking into it and while the controls were a bit difficult for me to adjust to, i did end up enjoying it overall.
Yes, for several times i guess. I foolishly believed there were Bernard Bear games on PS2, but what i got was just small PS2 Paddington Bear game XD
yeah, stardew valley. got it because it was so hyped out. i regretted it. i don't understand the appeal of it. i tried diving into it so many times and I just couldn't get into it.