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Have you ever bought a game without looking into it? How was it?


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2019
I bought Rocket League a few years back when it went on sale and I don't regret it at all. I saw cars and soccer and figured why not. 500+ hours later and I do not regret buying it at all. Easily, one of my top 5 games of all time.
I did buy a few games without looking too much into them. It was mostly when I didn't know much about games I like and I was easy to get hyped up. XD But now I kind of know my territory, haha.
Mostly when I was younger, I would buy games based on what the cover said and the games objective. I kiiinda bought WW without looking into that specific game. I saw my dad play CF and wanted to play that game. He said there was a version of that game for DS lite so I got that. 10+ years later, here I am.
Yeah probably when I was younger, there weren't much reviews around as it is today and some I liked, some I disliked but that's life I guess :)
Years ago back during the ps2 days I bought a game called fur fighters, had no idea what it was about but I enjoyed it. It's still one of my favourites to this day.
Counter-Strike Global Offensive.
I've only ever played on PS3 where it only received a single update. I loved that game for the mess that it is and even got the Platinum Trophy for the game.
To this day, I've never played the modern/updated version of the game and I don't think I will. lol
Most of the games I bought were on whim, I bought Izuna without looking into it because of the art, I played it and ended up liking it. (Of course I still think pokemon mystery dungeon beats it in fun factor amd replay ability.)

I bought Shadow the hedgehog because it was 10 buck at my local gamestop. After playing it I found out why :c

chocobo tales drew me in with its cute art, but the game wasn't that good to me.

These days I look into games before buying them after a lot of disappointments. I look at bith the good ratings and the bad ratings and try to make up my mind as best I can based on those.
Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn. It was a huge disappointment for me. The game creators made promises that were never fulfilled. I feel bad for the people who funded this project.
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I buy most games without really looking into them, but the media I look at in my spare time (such as Youtube and social media groups or general word of mouth) means I'm usually pretty up to date with what all games are and the general opinion of them.

Sequels I'll buy without really looking into them. If it's a sequel then there's a high chance I'm buying it because I liked the last one and I'll probably like this too. I'll generally try to avoid finding too much out about them since I like to find things out on my own, which is generally pretty easy to do since I don't tend to go for the biggest hyped up games...Aaaaand then there's stuff like Pokemon where Nintendo themselves seem dead set on ruining any discovery for fans.

Things I haven't played before I'll make a decision based on the box, maybe a trailer and I'll probably have heard SOMETHING about it to know whether people think it's a turd or not.

I've been saved from most disasters. Star Wars Battlefront, Anthem, No Man's Sky, Halo 5, Destiny 2, any Assassins Creed game (except the first...That burned me). Not trying to be a "too mainstream for me" guy, I just tend to lack any interest at all for the games that are ridiculously hyped up and turn out to be total trash. Maybe its because they tend to generally be kinda the same thing, maybe because I know something so hyped up is going to have all the crap I hate in it (there's a lot of """space games""" there, usually microtransactions and loot boxes, as well as trying to cater to everybody thus doing nothing particularly spectacular).

I'm subscribed to Humble Bundle so I get a bunch of random games. I rarely get around to playing them but a few gems I probably wouldn't have tried otherwise have come from there. Same goes with Game Pass.

Generally speaking, I pick up most games on a whim and am very rarely disappointed. In fact, the last few games I have been disappointed with have been sequels to series' I otherwise love: Pokemon Sun, Fire Emblem Three Houses and Breath of the Wild. Whilst I've started to at least accept the latter two there (hate everything but the battles in FE:TH, BotW is just not what I want from a Zelda game), Pokemon Sun I still hate and is still the only Pokemon game I've not finished.
I can't remember the last game I bought from a series I hadn't played before/a new IP and was disappointed by it.
Oddly enough, my intro into Red Dead Redemption started with Undead Nightmare, the DLC to the first game. I remember thinking how cool a concept it was to have zombies and cowboys in a game. It wasn't until I was halfway through it that I realized that there was an actual game that came first and that was why I didn't know what the characters were on about. Been addicted to the series ever since.

Another one was Outlast. I'd always been big into survival-horror games and I was looking for something new. At the time I didn't think anything could beat PS1 Silent Hill but Outlast was one of the only other games that actually freaked me out. RE7 was great for the same reason!

Currently I've picked up Metro Exodus on a whim and I'm super glad I did. The game ended up being a lot more fun than I thought it would be.
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Wild world! Had no idea about the Animal Crossing franchise before I bought the game. I had just bought a DS to play Pok?mon but my friend told me to get wild world to play with her.

I also hadn?t really watched much gameplay or known much about splatoon, plus I wasn?t that into shooters. I just knew it was a popular Nintendo game and I had extra money on me. Now it?s one of my favourites and I play every day :?D
Various games for the Game Boy Advance back then, such as Pokemon Mystery Dungeon or Sonic Advance
2 and 3. I didn't knew so much about PMD, only that you can play as an Pokemon and that's it, so I got it
without really knowing what's going in this game. However, I really enjoyed it and became a fan of the PMD
in general. As for Sonic Advance, I played the first one and bought 2 and 3 in hope they would be as good
as the first title if not better, was overall very satisfied with them after all.

There were also Sonic Riders, Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life and a game based of the cartoon show
Codename: Kids Next Doors, all three for the GameCube. I barely knew those games, only judged by
the covers how the games could be. Sonic Riders was quite ok, HM just beautiful, KND however pretty
boring, only played it for an hour or so.
I bought Danganrnopa on impulse pretty recently. I looked it up, read the plot summary for Trigger Happy Havoc, and since it was on sale I bought all 4 games without even looking at the descriptions of the other 3 games.

Do I regret it? Not at all! It has become my new obsession. I just recently finished the second game, and it's better than I ever could have expected from such an impulse buy. :)
I bought witch and the hundred knight because it had cool cover art, and i like the characters and story, but I didn't know that it was a puzzle game, which I'm not a big fan of

so I only finished it about half way before I decided to trade it back to gamestop lol
I didn?t look into Fire Emblem Three Houses at all, it was an amazing game. Of course I typically love Fire Emblem games but this one in particular was very interesting and I love the characters so much! Fear the Deer!
I actually bought animal crossing city folk without knowing too much about it. It turned out ok ;)