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Has Animal Crossing ever made you really emotional?

Yes, it has.

I time traveled too far in time. So, unfortunately, one of my dreamies, Teddy, moved out without me knowing. I couldn't even meet him in boxes. I was feeling really sad and stopped playing. I woke up at 1AM and felt bored, so i played Animal Crossing. I walked around the town, and came upon Teddy's old house spot. With the music playing and the empty spot, i couldn't help but shed a few tears.
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Not necessarily, but I've been sad when I've had certain villagers move.

It's mostly the feeling of annoyance when I've had items and landscaping plotted over.

One time I earned a ton of bells in City Folk for the projects, only for them to be wasted since you only do them once at a time. :(
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The first time I took Kapp'n's boat to the island I cried, ngl. I was so caught off guard by his little song & it was so beautiful to experience for the first time! The song on the way back was about the castaways, and I absolutely loved it.
Nowadays I skip his songs bc they've become very repetitive, but I'll always remember the first one :)
When I play the musicbox made with lullaby, it makes me get weirdly serene. Like isolated, like the snowflake at 5 in the morning, like as though I'm transparent and sad. It is because one post I saw years back. It was WW board, I think, and someone was saying in there,

I'm lonely. I want to see someone. I haven't seen anyone for so long.

The section looked quietness for long at the time - due to NL being released.
I was sure, that I will be the very last one in NL section.
Now I don't exactly think that way, but since I saw the post, musicbox lullaby always makes me remind of that feeling.
This summer I started playing ACNL for the first time as I?ve always loved the series since a young age, and I wanted to get back into it as a way of helping my anxiety and just generally as something to keep me going. Moving in and seeing my first ever (and favourite) villager Tangy was in my town again, over 10 years later, really warmed my heart and felt really special <3
When I was 11 I was diagnosed with cancer (cancer free 11 years now), I was in and out of the hospital and was gifted a Nintendo DS lite and Animal Crossing Wild World. This world transported me away from the pain I was feeling everyday. It made me smile, I made connections with the villagers and I kept my town beautiful. It got me through a lot of tough times and I still enjoy it 11 years later.

My most emotional moment was by far when Derwin, my favorite, decided to finally move after I had begged and begged him not to go. He gave me his photo and I always kept it on the dresser.

Such a wholesome game.
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When I was 11 I was diagnosed with cancer (cancer free 11 years now), I was in and out of the hospital and was gifted a Nintendo DS lite and Animal Crossing Wild World. This world transported me away from the pain I was feeling everyday. It made me smile, I made connections with the villagers and I kept my town beautiful. It got me through a lot of tough times and I still enjoy it 11 years later.

My most emotional moment was by far when Derwin, my favorite, decided to finally move after I had begged and begged him not to go. He gave me his photo and I always kept it on the dresser.

Such a wholesome game.

Congratulations on beating cancer!
ahhh yeah .. thinking about it makes me want to cry :( but i had my file of 4 years corrupt on me :( on my birthday :( i was really bummed out because it was years of hard work and it just had all the fun i had // all the things i traded with people from the beginning and my badges and i actually completed my museum etc etc. i almost wanted to give up on playing it again completely but at the same time ac has always been so relaxing and freeing for me ? so now i?m just playing my game without trying too hard to get back what i?ve lost, and honestly. i love it so much just the same :)
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When I first played Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, and I played in one of the two Animal Crossing stages, and it was playing the Outdoors at 7 P.M. track, it was hard for me to hold the tears. The nostalgia hit me so hard.
i havent been very emotional in a sad way, so to say, but i most definitely HAVE been emotional in an angry way. maybe angry isnt the right word but definitely inconvenienced and annoyed with a villager, i wont name names (******). so when i was trying to get shep into my town i tried everything i could to get a villager to move out of my town so i could move shep in, which was in my sisters town. when i started the game and isabelle so adorably let me know i had a new villager in my town i was SO excited to have shep move in. i play the game and....well, it was obviously NOT shep. so ive always been really bitter towards ****** since they ALSO moved in on the top half of my town (which i had successfully, so far, had all my villagers in the bottom half of my town). now anytime i see them walking around i wont talk to them. but in my opinion, its what makes the game really fun. theyre like the neighnor i want to move so bad cause they annoy me but id be bored if they moved out. maybe we have a love-hate relationship.
I actually got really emotional playing New Leaf last night - I’ve been struggling with really awful health issues for the past year and for the last two months I’ve been on bed rest. A while ago I made a wish on the game that I want to recover, which is something I’ve been working hard on doing. Last night Julian asked me how my wish was going and when I told him good, he said that while it all came from me he was always there to help. It was exactly what I needed to hear and made me a little teary-eyed tbh <3 bless this series
I got Wild World on it's EU launch day, in the aftermath of my dad recovering from a very serious condition, and I was suffering from PTSD relating to it as well as other mental illnesses. I couldn't sleep at night because I'd have nightmares, or be too terrified that I'd wake up to him being ill again, so I had a bad habit of trying not to sleep. I'd play Wild World into the early hours of the morning. The music was so relaxing, and there were always NPCs to talk to or something to do that worked as a great distraction despite the fact in the real world I'd become quite isolated and withdrawn.

New Leaf, I got in a summer where a lot of good-crazy things happened. It was a treat for passing college and getting into university, and something to keep me occupied while I recovered from a very important surgery I was having a week later. My friends and I went to the game store in a group of 8 and each bought a copy, sat in the living room of my apartment and we all started it up together. It was special, because I was moving away from them in a couple of months and it was a way we could all hang out despite living 2-3 hours apart.

Wild World hurts too much to play now, because I associate it with a dark period of my life. New Leaf sometimes, if I'm playing late at night in the summer, gives me a pang of sadness because I don't talk to any of those friends any more; things happened and we drifted. The orchard in my town is made of all the fruits we gave each other and I have all the decorations we traded. I still love it though, because it's a relic of that wonderful summer.
Sometimes when I?m really relaxed and having a good day and I hear that peaceful music, it causes a flood of happiness. Sometimes it just feels so pure and always gives a good time, animal crossing really can be like an escape sometime
Absolutely. I mean, I'm a very emotional person to start with, but this game series has DEF made me feel the feels before, both the highs and the lows. I think some of my best moments would include that really crappy birthday I had, where after the birthday party my villagers threw me, I went to work at the cafe, and Zucker - my only missing dreamy at the time - came in for a drink! I didn't get him to move in until... literally the end of last year, but that was still a really happy moment for me. I felt like he'd come to town just to see me on my birthday. Another just... overall high would have to be every saturday night, back on the GC version, when I as a young lil kid would excitedly visit my town at exactly 8 pm so I could listen to KK slider sing to me live. I've always liked the live versions of his songs better than the CD versions, and I'd just chill out and watch the credits as he sang to me in that sweet sweet voice. I still really love visiting him, but it felt even more special in my childhood.

I guess as for lows... ofc whenever a beloved villager's moved out, I've always gotten really upset... But on a different note, I think one of the things that's made me the MOST emotional is just... my own insecurities with my town. I often feel like I'm not a 'good' animal crossing player, because I'm constantly comparing my town and houses to those I see online that i think are better. For a while, nearly every month I'd have to completely redo the landscaping in my town, because I'd have panic attacks just thinking about how ugly it all was. I'd like to say that I'm past that, but I'm not actually sure if I am! Still, though, my town is currently closer than ever before to being complete, so I hope that counts for something and that I'll still feel just as satisfied in the months to come with what I've chosen to do as I feel now.
I play Animal because it does the exact opposite for me. Like most people i have depression and anxiety and i play it to turn my brain off and just sort of drift away for a bit. The lack of plot and the daily tasks are nice to focus on when you are stressed and just want to relax.