Harvest Moon

My favorite Harvest Moon game was Friends of Mineral Town. I tried playing a few of the predessors but I could never make it past the tutorial. Plus I wasn't a fan of the art style of the newer games.

My husband bought me Story of Seasons Trio of Towns and I love it. That's all I have been playing. I find it's much better than the new harvest Moon games
I've always wanted to get into the series, but I've never known which to pick up first.
A Wonderful Life was super good, and after that I think Tree of Tranquility was also pretty good too.

I'm not sure how this relates to my post. Those are games that came out years before they switched from Natsume to XSeed. ANB was the last true Natsume title and came out on the 3ds in 2012. After that the new Natsume "Harvest Moon" titles have all been knock offs.
Roh, if you like the pixelly-type of graphics, then you should go with HMDS or HMDSC. The only difference between the games is your gender, aside from a few other things, lol.

That was my favorite game, anyways, but it's pretty hard and takes a lot of dedication. If you're the lazier type, I'd go with Animal Parade. It's for the Wii, it's just as cute, and it's easier. It's just not as pixelly, for lack of a better word.
Never played a Harvest Moon game...I heard they were really good though, but I never knew where to start, and the few times I considered it some other game distracted me. Are they fun?
They're a lot of fun, but it's something you need to specifically be in the mood for since it can be really repetitive.

When you're in the mood, though, you can play it for hours without breaks.
I've played Magical Melody, Tale of two towns, and Story of seasons. I think I played another but can't remember, gonna try the new one thats coming 31st of may, can't remember what its called...
Whoa, there's another new one that's coming out? Sheesh. It's too many games. I don't think I'm gonna buy it; I need to play all the games I have sitting on my shelf, first.
OMG when is the new one coming out and on what console???

Another wonderful life was my favorite ❤️
I loove Harvest Moon and wow I'm surprised so many people don't like the newer more anime-ish style vs pixel. I like the newer style. My first HM game was Another Wonderful Life for the gamecube, I played that one all summer. Since then I've played various other titles, magical melody (couldn't get into that one), ioh, tot, animal parade (my fave!!), tott, a new beginning, sos, and I'm currently playing sos: Trio of Towns. They are planning one for the switch sooo look forward to that ;) I hope they bring back rival marriages and rival children!
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I've been a fan of the series since the very beginning. 1997, I rented it up until Hollywood Video stopped carrying SNES games in mid 1999. By that time I had received Harvest Moon GB though, and later Harvest Moon 64 and, well yeah. I got each of them as they came out.

I have each and every game in the series, spin off and otherwise.

SoS > Harvest Moon
Deal with it

I'm giving away my stuff just pm me (Trio of towns)

Meh, Story of Seasons was all right but Trio of Towns was hot garbage that made even The Lost Valley look like a GOTY contender. It was so bad that I gave up on it in less time than I did Natsume's first attempt at a Harvest Moon title, and that's saying something because I only put 30-something into the abysmal Lost Valley.

That said, I am excited about the prospects of the recently announced Story of Seasons Switch title, if not for anything else than Marvelous looking at what Stardew Valley has accomplished and mimicking it, which would be some great irony.
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I loved my Harvest Moon game, but I let a friend borrow it and she lost it :( Can't find them in the stores by me now.
i played the older ones, but I'm currently playing A New Beginning on my 3DS. It gets really tiring for me, especially since it's really vague and all. Plus, I miss the older games more! :(
Harvest Moon 64 is one of my favorite games of all time. Love it to pieces. And I'm so glad that it's on the Wii U VC now, because I'm sure the save battery in my old N64 cartridge wasn't going to last much longer.

The SNES Harvest Moon is where I started, and I like that game a lot, too. It's just so charming. :)

I played several of the other ones, the one on Gameboy Color, Magical Melody, A Wonderful Life, Friends of Mineral Town, Grand Bazaar, Tale of Two Towns, but none of them really enchanted me like the two I mentioned first, so I didn't keep my copies of the other games after I bought and played them. They were still fine games, but not enough for me to want to keep them forever.

Although I must confess I have a bunch of music from AWL and FOMT in my personal collection of video game music. And I also like to read through the FOMT TV shows again now and then. Someone with even more time on their hands than me transcribed them all online some years back. They're so silly, but still a lot of fun to read.
I absolutely love Harvest Moon. I spent so much time playing Friends of Mineral Town as a child. I really hope I can get the 3DS games very soon :)