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I really don't understand how he could see the pictures and then get mad after already flying over your island as well. :oops:

Did you ask for a fee? I really can't think of another reason to throw a tantrum unless you wanted to get out of paying it.
It's just insecurity and maybe a lack of time to play the game. Without time traveling you can technically get "the most done" in an hour or so and feel like you accomplished something, whereas if you time travel you kind of "unlock" the potential to do way more, and increase the time you spend playing the game almost infinitely. A lot of people can't handle that freedom and don't appreciate other people that are able to. Jealousy and insecurity. That's all.
I get it, and if I hadn’t made sure to make sure people knew I TT I would feel really bad because I’m the type of person who never wants to ruin things for others. I even made sure to mention that I TT to get the price I had, but like someone above said I think this guy just wanted to make me feel bad about my game... and sell his turnips lol. I’m just glad I don’t have to live with him! could you imagine how someone like that is in real life?!

Then he really was being a .... it’s a PG site I can’t use that word 😅

I plus have just kicked him haha. People like that are just awful. And gosh yes. Thank god you only have to meet him once in game and never have to see him again. Let’s take a moment to think about he’s poor family 😬
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but people have a tendency to latch onto communities that are traditionally considered nice or in the year 2020-- "wholesome". And then as the community becomes more mainstream it really gets quite nasty for whatever reason. For example, I pretty much watched the Reddit community boom over night and do a 180, and now every thread has a bunch of people complaining haha. Quite the sight to behold-- Animal Crossing "Population Growing" indeed, :9

I think things will settle down as NH wanes in popularity. Sorry to hear you were attacked for TTing-- TTing, duping crowns, and AC go hand in hand every game, but people still manage to get upset each time.
I really don't understand how he could see the pictures and then get mad after already flying over your island as well. :oops:

Did you ask for a fee? I really can't think of another reason to throw a tantrum unless you wanted to get out of paying it.

Nope! I never ask for a fee, I see way too many people who can’t afford the crazy amounts a lot of people charge and it doesn’t feel good to me to be that way. He was really nice in the dm’s too! So idk why he behaved that way. I do however feel bad that maybe he didn’t look at the pictures? Or got excited over the price and glossed over when I said I TT? There’s no excuse for how he behaved, but I do feel awful if I somehow ruined his experience.
i do understand some people not wanting to be spoiled for the seasons, but if you literally said "i'm in winter" then why is he so angry?!?! T__T like.. imagine getting so angry at someone over in-game snow at such a big age.. pls sir don't u have taxes to go file
Then he really was being a .... it’s a PG site I can’t use that word 😅

I plus have just kicked him haha. People like that are just awful. And gosh yes. Thank god you only have to meet him once in game and never have to see him again. Let’s take a moment to think about he’s poor family 😬

He was very friendly until he sold his turnips! I should have kicked him, but I think I was just stunned that he was being so rude! And I feel really stupid for saying this but watching him trample my flowers near my airport actually shocked me. Like, they grow back dude?!? Looking back now I’m actually laughing.
"He was very friendly until he sold his turnips!" This guy gets worse the more you describe him. At this point, it sounds like he planned it out. Sell the turnips, then attack the host...?

He probably had this plan when he saw your island initially, but of course he had to take advantage of the high sell price first...
Your island, your rules. If they don't like it, they can visit others. NEVER let anyone tell you how to play the game, it's yours to enjoy. The only thing that is really frown upon here are dupe items, and not even if you do it, but selling them, since it affects the economy.
This community is awesome and I'm sure you will find awesome players and friends here. WELCOME!
Nope! I never ask for a fee, I see way too many people who can’t afford the crazy amounts a lot of people charge and it doesn’t feel good to me to be that way. He was really nice in the dm’s too! So idk why he behaved that way. I do however feel bad that maybe he didn’t look at the pictures? Or got excited over the price and glossed over when I said I TT? There’s no excuse for how he behaved, but I do feel awful if I somehow ruined his experience.

Even then he still saw the snow while flying over, so be should have just kept his opinion to himself. You were kind enough to let him sell without a fee to begin with.
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Did you supervise him the entire time? He coule have picked up some flowers (or something else) and tried to cover it up afterwards...
I think Wolfgang has the perfect reply for this:

I feel like that guy was just really entitled considering you were trying to help him. Thats really low.
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but people have a tendency to latch onto communities that are traditionally considered nice or in the year 2020-- "wholesome". And then as the community becomes more mainstream it really gets quite nasty for whatever reason. For example, I pretty much watched the Reddit community boom over night and do a 180, and now every thread has a bunch of people complaining haha. Quite the sight to behold-- Animal Crossing "Population Growing" indeed, :9
This is true. Take a look at other fandoms like this. People think they are morally superior and fight over some weird things. I do understand why people dislike TT though. Those who don't do it can get spoiled by events or seasonal stuff. Because if this, it is actually a good thing that events will be added over the year through updates, especially since social media is so much bigger now.
Threatening people over video games is stupid and immoral. I've dealt with this kind of thing for years playing FIFA and Street Fighter. I received hatemail so often that I started to enjoy them because at least I could laugh at something stupid.

Wanna time travel? Do it. Wanna dupe items? Do it. Wanna cheat the game to your heart's content? Go ahead.

While I refuse to do any of these things and openly discuss these topics and the hypocrisy involving the usage of cheats in AC by the community, I also refuse to tell you how you should play.

People have fun with this game in different ways. Some find it fun to time travel, a few find it fun to do giveaways and help others players, others enjoy duping items and distributing them to the community... Some even enjoy pranking and scamming others. Play how you want, have fun.
I'm really sorry you had that experience! :(
If it makes you feel any better, the developers said themselves that time traveling isn't considered cheating or anything of that sort! We all have our different play styles and there's nothing wrong with that!
Ugh. That really bothers me. Honestly, I think that when people go out of their way to be negative and say something negative about someone's play style, they're trolling. Especially in game if they say something nasty, it takes effort to type that. They're going out of their way to be rude, so they must be getting some sick sense of joy or accomplishment out of it. I'm sorry that happened to you. Don't let jerks like that ruin your experience. Especially when you were doing them a favor (opening your island so they could sell turnips). That's rude, pure and simple.
Even then he still saw the snow while flying over, so be should have just kept his opinion to himself. You were kind enough to let him sell without a fee to begin with.
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Did you supervise him the entire time? He coule have picked up some flowers (or something else) and tried to cover it up afterwards...

Even then he still saw the snow while flying over, so be should have just kept his opinion to himself. You were kind enough to let him sell without a fee to begin with.
Post automatically merged:

Did you supervise him the entire time? He coule have picked up some flowers (or something else) and tried to cover it up afterwards...

You know what’s weird is we did that whole thing where you react with the flowers to show you’re pleased? I had zero clue he was a butthead! I didn’t really supervise him, I took him to my store and then followed him back to the airport and that’s when he started being a jerk!
Posts like this make me wanna laugh because its ridiculous how heated people get over this cutesy video game, but at the same time its very seriously not ok for people to say things like that to you because of TT. Its like, why do people care so much?? Its literally just a game thats suppose to be fun and relaxing. Everyone has their own playing style so who cares if some people TT and some people don't? It literally does not effect you at all. People are so dumb sometimes.
In any community you get the best and the worse of people-- try to not let it bother you.
It's just ridiculous how some people behave over video games. Time traveling isn't some huge crime that deserves punishment. People can and should play however they want. I myself am in early April right now because I started after cherry blossom season and desperately want the DIYs. I find that this community is in general very friendly, so I hope you have some better interactions here. c: