Giveaway [Free Raffle End 8/21 12PM CST] Original Judy

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(⨀🞃 ⨀ )◄
Poyo Puffs
Apr 7, 2020
Pink Heart Balloon
Yellow Heart Balloon
Green Heart Balloon
Cyan Heart Balloon
Purple Heart Balloon
Pink Star Fragment
Yellow Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
100% (68) +
This sparkly eyed cub finally gave me her photo in the middle of last night so it's time for her to leave my island. I will be using time travel and an Amiibo to kick her out. My time zone is CST but I draw the line at staying up past 1AM for you to pick her up for non US folks.

Must post before August 21, 12PM CST to enter.


I will be using the a random number generator to determine who will get Judy via post number. So only post if you want her.
  1. Judy must be a dreamie of yours. I do not want her to be resold.
  2. Judy must be picked up on or before September 5 otherwise I will reroll.
  3. Your account must be created on August 16, 2020 or earlier.
  4. Fill the form and only only post once to enter.
  5. Edit August 19 - Must respond to Dm within 48 hours or I will reroll.
  6. Messaging me to buy Judy will disqualify you. You can DM for questions.
Island Name:
Time Zone:
Time Travel (Yes/No):
Nature Related Pun/Joke:

Nature puns are something about animals, plants, or some other natural thing
What did the shy pebble wish? That she was a little boulder.
Romaine calm and carrot on.
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Name: Rosie
Island name: Sos Island
Time Zone: CT
Time Travel: not an option (parental controls ; v ; )
Nature Related Pun/Joke: why did the rock go into drug dealing
he wanted to be a stone instead

Hope I filled it out correctly... anyhow...
Just so you know I mighttt not have an open plot by the deadline D: BUT if I do then I'd love Judy <3 of course if someone else wants her more and can actually tt to make it more convenient for ya then by all means give judy to them ~~~
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Name: Noah
Island Name: Joshland (dont judge, hm?)
Time Zone: PST
Time Travel (Yes/No): yis...
Nature Related Pun/Joke:
why did the tree cut off his legs
he wanted to make root beer
hehehehehhe ya ik im bad C:
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Name: Comet
Island Name: Starfall
Time Zone: CST
Time Travel (Yes/No): No
Nature Related Pun/Joke:
Why did he get made fun of? Because he was a little sprout.
Name: Walce
Island Name: Isolation
Time Zone: BST
Time Travel (Yes/No): No
Nature Related Pun/Joke: What did the apple say to the orange? Nothing, they're fruit :S

As I strictly don't TT I don't know if I'll have an open slot but she is currently the last dreamie on my list. I'm looking to get her so I can focus on replacing my jocks ^^'
Name: Leaf
Island Name: Color Reef
Time Zone:
Time Travel (Yes/No):
Nature Related Pun/Joke:
How do trees get on the internet? They log in!
Bump. Adding one more rule. Winner must contact me within 48 hours of my Dm that they won. If I roll my own post number I will reroll again
Name: Eva
Island Name: Potatopia
Time Zone: UK (GMT +1)
Time Travel (Yes/No): Yes :3
Nature Related Pun/Joke: How do you tell someone about something Judy diy'd herself? She built it with her bear hands.
(Judy is an animal so I hope that counts >.<)
Name: Roxie
Island Name: Avalar
Time Zone: pst
Time Travel (Yes/No): yep
Nature Related Pun/Joke:

Why can’t pine trees sew?
They always drop their needles.
Did you hear the one about the oak tree?
It’s a corny one
Name: Lisa
Island Name: Wolfland
Time Zone: EST
Time Travel: Yes
Nature Related Joke/Pun: Why did the mushroom go to the party?
Because he was a fungi.
Name: Angelle
Island Name: Stanow
Time Zone: PST
Time Travel (Yes/No): NO
Nature Related Pun/Joke:
What did the beet say when their heart is racing? You made me skip a beet 😅
Name: Magnus
Island Name: Magonia
Time Zone: CEST
Time Travel (Yes/No): Yes
Nature Related Pun/Joke: How can you tell the ocean is friendly? It waves.
Congrats @Wolfie ! Please respond to my DM within 48 hours to set up a time otherwise I will have to reroll.
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