Freaky bugs ingame

the tarantulas and scorpions, im always on edge when im going after one

WOW. Just when I express how much I hate the wharf roach omg.

im gonna have a word with Leonardo...
Scorpion and tarantula freaked me out in the beginning. Now they don't bother me. I just walk pass them and they leave me alone.
The oak silk moth still freaks me out. It's hard to see it late at night.
personally in the game i don't really care about the bugs. they don't scare me like the would in real life...
although i am a bit afraid of the scorpion and tarantula not because they're scary but because of the passing out if you don't catch them... that just scares me. and they're also rare so i really want to try and catch them.
they dont really freak me out per se but i hate the mosquitoes. i live in a swampy area and we have them here, whenever i see them in game i dont catch them bc theyre a waste of inventory space but i hate them so much
I still get mini heart attacks when I accidentally walk past an oak silk moth
Well, as silly as this may sound... I run away when I hear a mosquito. Yes, a tiny stupid mosquito makes me freak, because in real life they seem to think I'm their private blood donnor or something. They always eat me alive no matter if spring, summer, autumn or even winter when they are supposedly dead :mad:

So I don't mind tarantulas and scorpions probably because I have this mindset that never in my life I'm gonna cross paths with one, but the mosquitos instead... GGRRRR!!
Yes the beetles are freaky and the spiders, scorpion, and I hate the centipede.
The centipede and house centipede are super nasty looking. The big island beetles never bothered me, until I read their description in the museum... apparently, (I think this was for the golden elephant?) their bodies are covered with hair. In the game it doesn't look that much like hair. But I do not want to think about large, hairy beetles. Shivers

A few of the deep sea creatures have weirded me out as well. The lobster in particular was uglier than I expected.

It scares me ;-;
Tarantulas and Scorpions.. I've never caught them because I hated them in City Folk.
trantulas and scorpions... the animation is so scary when you faint.... i saw this in CF and it scared me so much i quit AC until New Leaf came out and a friend from school told me to get it