Giveaway Faron Bell Giveaway - [OFFLINE] See latest post.

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Hi sorry I'm ready

Okay. Adding you and opening gates. I will be AFK since I'm also studying for finals so feel free to just pick up your Bells and leave; you don't need to wait for me to say something.

Next to visit:
1. MayorCasper
2. McMuffinburger
3. esweeny
4. lunathenia​
Uuhh.. Can I come again? It's my GF profile actually xP

Name: Amy
City: Limbo
Oh I'm online right now if possible. I know you made a post saying not to ask so I apologize if I annoyed you with this post. :3 <3
Username: queertactics
Name: Eli
Town: Nowhere
FC: 1521 - 3304 - 2628

boy oh boy do i love bells
Sign-up Form:
Username: Enzo :]
Name: Lorenzo
Town: Foxcrest
FC: 1864-9701-5872

I Love Bells! ♥
I Love Bells!
Username: Invalid
Name: Julia
Town: Meowtown
FC: Below
Is it ok if i bring a gift? If i van come that is :3
Username: Renivere
Name: Sherry
Town: Tibbers
FC: 0473-8333-5132

I Love Bells!
This is very sweet of you! :)
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