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Party! My favorite villager in my town right now is Merry. P!ATD Rox, my favorite flowers in ACNL are blue violets, my favorite pokemon are eevee, flabebe, and aipom.

Happy belated birthday! I'd like to enter please :)
party. Julian is my favorite villager. P!ATD Rox. My favorite Pok?mon is Mew. My favorite Hybrid flower is the blue rose, and black rose! Happy birthday!!!! Thank you for the giveaway (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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Party~ I'd like to enter. My favourite villager is Merry, I love red roses. My favourite Pokemon is Arcanine. P!ATD Rox.
Happy birthday to you, hope its a good one:)
PARTY ~ ( Paartaaaayyyy XD )

My favourite flower is pansies o w o they're cute XD My name is Xen, mayor of Kawaii and my favourite villager is Julian ; u ; His adorable <3 and " P!ATD Rox "

Belated Happy Birthday ????
I'm sorry I'm behind in daily prizes!
I've been busy with a few things!!!

Ill be announcing 9 tomorrow then so that ill actually be able to get everyone what they won!
And not have hold ups >_< (or at least not too many!)
Shall we party till we drop? P!ATD Rox ❀-❀!

My favorite flower(s) are the White Carnations and Pink Carnations. They make a perfect pair (To me.).

My favourite villager is probably.. Flurry. Such a cutie!

Have a great birthday! ♥
Party! I'd love to enter this. P!ATD Rox!
My favorite villager is Bianca, she's just so adorable! Favorite flower is pansy (blue ones), and my favorite Pokemon is Eevee!
Party time, cause P!ATD Rox. xD

I would like to enter, so let's see if I can get everything...
My favorite flower is the Blue Rose.
My favorite Pokemon is Aggron.
My favorite villager is Drake. (Love you 4ever boiii)
And I wish you the happiest of birthdays with many more to come! :D
Happy Birthday!
fav villager is Bud, cause he the one who FINALLY asked to build a police station!
fav flower is any of the blue ones
Fav pokemon is Evee
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Party~! Happy Birthday~!
Thanks for doing such a generous giveaway! P!ATD Rox
My favorite villager is probably Marshal. I didn't really like him at first since he moved in next to my house and I had specifically placed my house away from all the other villagers when I started my town, but he's grown on me a lot and now we're best buds! c:
Party time! ahahah Happy birthday my dear! P!ATD Rox
My favourite villager is Alice because she was my first friend in ACWW and my favourite flower is the blue rose :D <3
My favourite Pokemon is Chikorita *^*
heh, i was just going to say happy birthday and that i didn't want to enter, but then i saw that you like p!atd also so i basically had to enter. p!atd rox. i miss their old music, though.
my favourite villager is rudy and ughhh my favourite pokemon. . . idk i'll say jirachi because it's the first one that i can think of. i like too many pokemon to pick. my favourite flower is probably the dandelions.

i hope you have a wonderful party for your birthday.
Party! What is P!ATD ROX? My favorite Villager in the town of Abstract is Tom <3 and the official flower (My favorite one) is a Purple Rose! My favorite Pokemon is Axu (Pronounced Axe-U) oh and happy late birthday!

I spelled Axu wrong xD
Party <('.'<)

I honestly have no clue what P!ATD Rox means or stand for. My favorite villager is Maple and my favorite Pokemon is Mudkip.
Favorite flower is the Rose. (especially the purple and pink ones)
Happy late Birthday
9 daily prize winners announced today are...

Lee potato

Sorry if I misspelled usernames!! >_<
Ill be PM'ing you all!
Party ! Hello c: My favorite flower in acnl are the carnations. My favorite villager is Marshal. My favorite pokemon has always been Eevee. Thank you! P!ATD Rox!
Oh, and also.. Happy birthday c:
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Favorite Pokemon: Ditto
Favorite ACNL flower: Jacob's Ladder
Favorite villager in town: Apple


And super happy birthday to you, Smug M / Sakura / Xander!
I hope you get your wish!
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I would like to enter :D
P!ATD Rox.
My favorite pokemon would have to be...Jirachi! :3
My favorite flowers are orange roses <3
Favorite villager...definitely Pekoe! ;)

Oh! And I wish you a Happy Belated Birthday~~! :)
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PARTYY ! ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ I would like to enter <3 Favorite villager is Stitches, favorite flower is blue rose :) Fav pokemon is wartortle !!

P!ATD Rox,

Thank you so much for doing a giveaway, it is so kind ! :)
Annnnnd Happy birthday lovely,<3 xoxoxxxxxxxxxx