Does anyone else want attention, but hate it when you actually get it?


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2015
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Does anyone else want attention, but hate it when you actually get it? I'm like this all the time. I don't have any friends, so I'm pretty lonely sometimes. I'm always thinking to myself how I wish I had someone to talk to and spend time with, but as soon as a stranger tries to talk to me I tense up and get really embarrassed. I don't know why, but I just hate receiving attention of any kind.

Tonight I was at the store, and as I was checking out one of the employees came up behind me and said something to me that I didn't hear. I turned around and he was standing there holding a fake mustache over his mouth, staring at me. I didn't know what he said, and I was so embarrassed I just stood there for a couple of seconds not sure what was even going on until he apologized and ran off. I don't like when stuff like this happens to me, because it makes me embarrassed. :(

Does anyone else ever feel like this?
I absolutely love attention from my loved ones, but if it's someone I don't know well (like a teacher or fellow student), I hate it.
Oh I understand the struggle very well. :eek: I'm naturally a reserved and quiet person that doesn't go out much at all so I'm not used to attention. Sometimes I start to crave attention but whenever I get it, I change my mind and go back to my own peace. I often dream about being liked by many people but I don't think that's actually the best for me.

This is really weird but if I develop some kind of romantic feelings towards a person, I really want the feelings to be returned at first but if that ends up happening, it's suddenly uncomfortable and I want to escape the situation. That has happened a few times and it has felt scary every time.
sort of
sometimes i feel so lonely
but i don't want to talk to anyone and i don't want anyone to know my problems because i dont want anyone's sympathy
i hate being pitied
I like it from my loved ones, especially bf. Never too much attention. From strangers or people I barely know, only attention I'd want is maybe my work. But not too much. So if I were to get famous one day, it would be that, but myself out of the public eye? If that makes sense. I'm usually too shy.

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I can't stand talking to people.
That's why I have a cat.

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Q: Does anyone else want attention, but hate it when you actually get it?

A: Sometimes... There are times when I would want it and times when I really don't want it. Though... I do understand the feeling of not liking the attention when you actually get the attention. When I usually get this attention sometimes it makes me feel uncomfortable. The common denominator for this is how people approach me. For me... If I don't like the approach of the attention when someone converses with me then I would definitely not engage in any shape or form. Some people think I'm kind of intimidating and a bit hard to approach in general.
yeah . i want people to care about me but i feel embarrassed and hate myself when i try to express it or when i get it because i feel i don’t deserve it
I don't really care much about attention I think, because it feels uneasy for me and often I avoid things that might gotten me into someone's attention.. But I do want a recognition of my works, especially from my family
I don't mind and sometimes enjoy getting attention, but I definitely never enjoy being in the spotlight - like being pointed out or talked about or praised or whatever in front of other people. Which in the past kind of made all of those proud-parent moments (awards night, graduations, performances) horrifying for me.
I really love attention, I'm not even gonna waste time being smooth about it. I like to have positive attention all the time, like... I like people to think I'm cool and what-not, and also having secure friendships that wont break down fast usually mean attention, but people seem to think I dig negative drama-born attention which sucks lmao.
Anyways, I love the idea of attention, and usually online I do love attention it's wonderful, but any positive attention off of the net I tend to.. avoid lol.
I have a meme for this occasion:
I'm definitely like this. I'm an introvert who wants to be an omnivert. I love being alone sometimes, but sometimes I really want to have more friends and start dating and stuff.

I do tend to find that that happens to me a lot- I constantly dream about having people pay attention to me, but then I can barely even function when people finally do.
I mean yes if you put it simply. But it's moreso that if I ask my bf for attention, I don't get the kind of attention I wanted to get so I hate it.

Does this make sense to any of you? lmao
I don't hate the things I want.

I dont like attention because it makes me feel uncomfortable so I dont actively seek for it. It would be dumb if I did.
The only person I care about getting attention from is my boyfriend, and sometimes I have to bug him for it but most of the time he showers me with it, and even when he's trying to annoy me I love it still. Other people I couldn't care less about getting attention from them, rather they'd just leave me be! =D