Do You Regret Your Username?

Nope. I like it. :) If I were to change it, it'd definitely be MC4crap. :p
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I hated my first 2 ones then changed it to this and im happy.
Not really... I don't care. It's just a username. Not a name I have to live with or anything.
Wait... You can change your username? I picked Shax because that's my mayor's name and I couldn't think of anything else, but if at all possible I'd like to have a different username.
I hate my user but never saved up enough TBT 2 change it
Wait... You can change your username? I picked Shax because that's my mayor's name and I couldn't think of anything else, but if at all possible I'd like to have a different username.

You can buy a username change in the Shop tab at the top.
I regret my old username. I originally started using it when I first started playing Runescape a LOOOOOOONG time ago (roughly when I was 10...I'm 24 now). I used it for practically everything since.

I don't regret it entirely, since I do have a lot of fond memories surrounding the username and its variations, but I kind of 'grew out of it' and I've been using Tao (and certain variations) for a few years now.

I mainly just regret that my username is still that on certain things that I can no longer change such as my PSN name, Steam login (though my display name is Tao) and a few other certain websites that I still use, mainly because I don't really use that anymore (willingly anyway)...I guess it's more that I can't get away from that old username rather than regretting it.
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Sometimes, yes. Don't get me wrong, I love David Bowie, but I ocassionally get tired of feeling obligated to keep referencing him. I feel like I don't have a real identity here.
i really enjoy it. it's based off of my line play avatar's name, eunsaek. which means "the color silver" in korean.
i made it tae saek as a play on both my real name and kim taehyung's name from BTS. :) so i'm quite smitten with it.

it's kind of saying "the color of tae" now.
Mine seems a bit childish, but I still like it.

I like my name, I like cats, and puns are great.
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Nah, used it on another forum, used it on here. Nobody has one like mine. Exactly c:

-Hate it how people think my name is Bella though… that annoys me D;
-My name is Daniella c:
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