do you have any pets?


obama's hidden daughter
Jan 26, 2020
hiii everyone!
so i was thinking of thread ideas so i can post something and... why not ask if you have any pets!
do you have any pets? what are their name, gender, age, and breed? when did you get them? :)

personally, i have 2 cats, and a dog.

my dog's name is Kaiser, he turned 2 years old a few days ago, and he is a Cavachon! he lives in Ohio with my mom, and she got him while I wasn't living with her (i moved away again though rip). she got him from the amish country, from a breeder. yeah i agree 100% with adopting, but she couldn't find a Cavachon in any of the shelters near her- and Cavachon's are hypoallegenic and she's allergic to him.

my first cat's name is Sammy, and he is a Siamese cat. he is 5 years old now! woah, time goes by fast. we got him from a breeder as well, but i had no say in this.

lastly, i have a cat named Junior and he is a tabby. he is 2 or 3 years old now (phones dead, can't check calendar for his birthday whoops). we adopted him from a shelter! he had siblings in there with him, but we said "whoever comes to us first, we want to take them out." haha. you get to have a little play session with the animal you are interested in to see if it's a good fit!

that's all, can't wait to read about your pets!
i do! i have a 10 year old black shorthair cat named zeva - she is the absolute light of my life and i adore her with all my heart. i got her when i was 7 and now i’m a few weeks away from being 18; she has a narrowed windpipe which causes coughing fits/difficulty breathing and we almost lost her twice over the summer but she’s still here and kicking and i couldn’t be more grateful for that <3

I have 2 dogs!!!
The first is a 2 year old German shepard/pitbull mix named Mazikeen. Shes 85lb of love and cuddles, although she gets way too excited when she sees other dogs and that scares people :c. All she wants is to play but my mama bear has such a deep bark. She has also been helping me cope with my depression and PTSD and makes sure I get out of bed every day c:

The second one is my 9 month old yorki/poodle mix named Lilo! We got her when she was 4months because Mazikeen went into false pregnancy (she is not fixed) and we felt bad she didnt actually have a puppy she just treated one of her toys as one. (Would go EVERYWHERE with the toy, would not leave it, no other dog could have it) one of my boyfriends clients happened to be trying to sell a yorki/poodle puppy at the same time due to her daughter not taking good care of her and that when my bf came home with my lilo as a cute surprise!
Shes a little crazy fireball of energy and definitely picked up on a lot of big dog habits from her sister lol. Shes always dancing on her back paws to get picked up and cuddled which is really cute.

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I have a two year old havana rabbit that I rescued from a shelter. I've had her since September and she free roams my apartment.
Aw- your pets sound adorable!

My family currently has an Australian Shepard, a cat, a guinea pig, and a Russian dwarf hamster. Compared to the countless pets we've had over the years, it's nice just having these guys. They're all pretty awesome despite their flaws.

Scout, the Aussie, is the family dog and a hyperactive moron. Everyone adores the cat, Max. Papyrus is the guinea pig who's basically just an overweight loaf of bread.

The hamster, Darth Plagueis the Wise, is my super tiny baby. He was originally called Louise until I found out she was a he. lol

I love him so much- even though he sleeps all day and raises a ruckus at night.


I had two kitties I could not take on my move with me; I think about them often but they are doing well luckily. ^^ My partner has been pining for a cat, so maybe it will happen once we move to a pet-friendly place. I have to admit, I am a little reluctant towards pets as I just get too sad when they pass.
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I have a 4 year old rescue dog. He's a pomeranian/chihuahua mix named Tanuki.

I adopted him when he was about 6 months old. I love him very much but he came with a lot of baggage. He has separation anxiety, he's afraid of almost everything, and he has a tendency towards fear aggression. But we're doing our best to work on his issues and I think overall he's pretty happy.

I have a 4 year old rescue dog. He's a pomeranian/chihuahua mix named Tanuki.

I adopted him when he was about 6 months old. I love him very much but he came with a lot of baggage. He has separation anxiety, he's afraid of almost everything, and he has a tendency towards fear aggression. But we're doing our best to work on his issues and I think overall he's pretty happy.

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he looks so happy i love him :’)
I have three cats, Rue, Muffin and Smokey.
Rue is a bengal, Smokey is a serengeti and Muffin is a regular tortoiseshell. They are all 7 years old and annoy the heck out of me but I love them very much. :blush:

I also recently got two hamsters, Neru and Mochi. They're so cute~

Tink, our silky terrier/dachshund mix. We got her in 2009 (I was only in second grade). She?s extremely reserved, but she?ll always bark whenever someone comes by. She?s very attached to my mom, and often tries to bite my foot whenever I approach my mom despite the fact that I?ve known her for over a decade lol


Bronx, our miniature poodle (?). We got him in 2014. When we got him, he was estimated to be 3 years old. My mom, on the other hand, thought that he may have been as young as one because of how he acted. However, to this day, he still acts like a puppy and has a perpetually wagging tail.
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My brother and i got a dog last year.
I was a bit indifferent about what breed but he was in love with shibas so. thats what we got and honestly i'm still unsure of how to respond to people- mainly kids- when they shout "HEY HE LOOKS LIKE THAT MEME DOG!"
I have a baby! My dog Dottie, who we are told is a Yorkie/West Highland/Dachshund mix but looks very much like a ChiWeenie (Chihuahua and Dachsund mix, technically one of those 'luxury breeds'). To many she's confused as a Chihuahua since they see the big eyes and ears, but to experienced dog owners they instantly see her long Weiner dog body.

She's 10 years old and she is baby! She def acts like a Yorkie, needs attention, affection, laps and cuddles 25/9. We got her from a family member when she was 2 years old on Super Bowl day. She's calmed down in age but still needs all the attention she can possibly get. She loves sitting on people's feet, laps and fuzzy blankets. Since I work at nights she loves cuddling with me before I go to work on a fuzzy blanket. She gives kisses too! She is super cute and cuddly and just the best doggie ever, I love her very much♡
Where I currently live, I'm not allowed to have any pets (but I do have three miniature cacti named Pinky, Shaggy and Bulbie there instead :p), but at my parental home, I have a cat and a dog named Lizzie and Muffin respectively.

Beforehand, we had a different cat named Kayla that came from a shelter, but she was such an awful animal, as she'd hurt someone so badly if only a small mistake happened, e.g. being stepped onto her tail.
6 years later, Muffin came, and the cat started behaving even worse than she ever did before (scratching and biting more often, and even using our(!) backyard as a bathroom, which left me traumatised as ever), so a few weeks after the start of 2011, she was brought back to the same shelter.
One year later, while randomly visiting that same shelter for an unknown reason with other people, I recognised her but didn't interact due to my fear of being hurt for real (I was always able to evade being scratched and bitten on time), and that was the last time I ever saw her.

As for Muffin the dog, she came from a litter of genuine Golden Retriever breeders, and she was partly the reason to slightly overcome my fear of dogs. She's quite sweet, but also too energetic for me quite often, which is one of the reasons why I prefer cats instead.

In the summer of 2012, my custodian made a sudden decision to have a cat again, and this is Lizzie, our current cat, who came from a litter from a friend of theirs this time. It took some time for me to get used to the cat (I'm very hesitant if it comes to handling kittens, especially due to the fact that their razor-sharp nails and my SPD are the worst combination ever), but nowadays, she's the sweetest being ever and I absolutely love to cuddle with her, which she slightly despises, lol. (But at least she's not the type to scratch and bite someone if they accidentally step onto her tail, toes or something.)

I also used to have two goldfish, Gold and Orange, whom were bought in 2008 and then passed on in 2013 and 2014 respectively. My custodian would force me to take care of it, and this concluded that I cannot take care of animals by myself, which is why once I live in a bigger situation, I'm not taking any pets before I have a matesprit/partner so we can take care of the pet together.

If I had to choose which pets to take once I live in a bigger situation with a matesprit/partner, I'd probably take a few budgies (or something in the way of parakeets, cockatiels, caiques or zebra finches) (even though I never even had pet birds in my life), a rabbit, a hamster, or a cat. Oh, the perks of not being able to choose... ;):rolleyes:
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I have two dogs - an American Bulldog mix named Annabel and a mastiff mix named Luxor! They're *technically* family pets, but... they're my babies. We also have a stray we feel who I named Stranger Cat lol. I also have my own guinea pigs, including a hairless one, named Scrump and Lottie!! My parents also have a pair named Nala and Louise.
I have a Chinese Crested dog named Ozzy Pawsbourne. :3

He's basically my 4th kid. He has his own drawer of sweaters and shirts to keep him warm and covered in various weather. Snow boots. A coat.

He's pretty sure he's some kind of royalty judging by his attitude. He's not entirely wrong, I think. xD
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A 13 year old dog

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Tink, our silky terrier/dachshund mix. We got her in 2009 (I was only in second grade). She?s extremely reserved, but she?ll always bark whenever someone comes by. She?s very attached to my mom, and often tries to bite my foot whenever I approach my mom despite the fact that I?ve known her for over a decade lol


Bronx, our miniature poodle (?). We got him in 2014. When we got him, he was estimated to be 3 years old. My mom, on the other hand, thought that he may have been as young as one because of how he acted. However, to this day, he still acts like a puppy and has a perpetually wagging tail.
Looks like my dog but mine has black hair

I have 3 cats and a chihuahua! My chihuahua's name is Jorgen Von Java (just Java for short, but she knows her full name), and she's 10 this year. My cats are newer to the household, at 3 (Grey manx mix named Sebastian!), 4 (a tortoise shell Calico named Jessica) and 2 (a little black cat named Marceline).

My dog was bought at a flea market, and everyone else was from Paws (a local animal shelter).