Dango Island Cleanup: FREE STUFF!! Please Leave Comment in Queue!!


Konomi of Dango Island
Apr 17, 2020
Pear (Fruit)
100% (68) +
Hello! My name is Konomi from Dango Island and I am currently in the process of fully decorating my island for the debut of my idea Dango University (the event is free and we are still accepting applications. I may push the orientation date back to June 18-20 so more people can apply!). I am currently selling a list of DIYs, NMT, and fossils that can be found in my other post, but I wanted to do some cleaning out for my storage so I am giving away some free items. Everything ranges from extra materials to clothing and furniture! I figured that rather than sell items that I could give the stuff away to the community who I feel will put the stuff to more use than myself. There is no entry fee, but I would appreciate any tips, whether that be NMT and bells so I can fund my idea/obtain items, or anything from my wishlist: https://villagerdb.com/user/cinnamom/list/wishlist. TIPS ARE NOT NECESSARY, THOUGH, so don't worry if you don't have much!!
Everything that you see when you first walk into the island is FREE! I will mostly be AFK but I may check to see if there is anything else I want to give away.

I hope to see you soon! ^-^
Hey, everyone!! I'm opening up my gates again to allow more people to visit!! Please note that I probably will be AFK so any items/donations can be left in my zen area right next to the entrance! Please message again to let me know if you are still interested and I will send you a dodo code!!!
Sorry for the wait!! Just sent dodos!! Still allowing more people to visit as I have quite a bit of stuff!