Selling Cycling Marina and Rosie [Offline/Accepts Requests]


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2013
100% (539) +
I'm trying to get the perfect placement for certain characters in my town, so I'll be cycling through Marina, Rosie and Bunnie if anyone is interested. Just looking for tbt at the moment. :')

Adoptions so far -
Marina by RockinAlpha
Rosie by btbt
Marina by NationalBlurry
If anyone has a request for any of these guys as well, go ahead.

Last edited:
Marina will be voided.
Up next is Rosie who has been requested.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Best of luck to you! What does your first post mean by requests?

I am cycling through pretty quickly, so I just give people the chance to buy them as I cycle through Rosie and Marina at the moment. I have others like Diana, Fang and Punchy - but I'd rather not move them. xD
Ohhh, I see! I'm perpetually looking for Freya, but not Rosie or Marina. If I change my mind Ill know where to go though!
Ohhh, I see! I'm perpetually looking for Freya, but not Rosie or Marina. If I change my mind Ill know where to go though!

Aw~ Freya is a cutie. I had her a couple years back. Pretty in pink was her thing. xD
I just started a new town because I love the wolf villagers. I wish I could do an entire town with them.

Im laying out paths and doing town planning, but if you're looking to chat about AC as you cycle (I know how boring it can get) I'll stick around with you!
I just started a new town because I love the wolf villagers. I wish I could do an entire town with them.

Im laying out paths and doing town planning, but if you're looking to chat about AC as you cycle (I know how boring it can get) I'll stick around with you!

I knooow! I wasn't expecting it to be so hard. For some reason, they won't move to a different spot now. It's right in front of one of my houses and won't change. :'(
They may not go over patterns anymore, but I have bushes and flowers everywhere, and they just ruined one of my flower patterns. I think I've lost about 30 hybrids in my attempts today. xD I moved them to spots I thought were safe, but nope. then I put patterns down in the spot and now they only move to that one single spot in front of one of my houses. I'm just screaming internally.