Currently Playing?

Final Fantasy XV

Chocobo Hoops: Rocky Road can suck my entire ass
Been playing Fear 2 and Lone Survivor lately.
i'm finishing off my uh 5th persona 5 playthrough which i forgot i hadn't completed
Pok?mon Shuffle. Decided to give it a try on the 3ds and it's fun, but a bit too much tutorial-y and handholding in the beginning and I wish it was more Link/trozei but yea I'mma sucker for these games so
It's been Rogue Legacy, Fear 3, Lone Survivor, Super Mario 3D Land and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon lately.
I have such a backlog on so many fronts... Luckily I'm pretty behind system-wise so I only have the 3DS, PS3, and mac to worry about.

I'm in the last quarter or so of shaping my new ACNL town (I hope), and also playing Bravely Default (I loved the beginning and the novelty of the aesthetics, but it's getting terribly boring... only 25 hours in as well). I've been playing a bunch of demos to decide whether I want Tomodachi Life, FE Awakening, or Yokai Watch.

Just finished first playthrough of Journey on PS3 - ;-; so beautiful... And call me naive, but
I didn't know that the companions you meet are irl people at first, so now I feel both overjoyed and super awkward about some of my jumping around
Anyone playing Path of Exile?
In my opinion best MMO RPG game, 5x better of Diablo 3
(maybe graphic is little lower, but gameplay, orbs system and often game updates, that's what makes PoE a better game)
If there are PoE players here, I will be happy to socialize :)

An apple and a sin, it must be, my life and laughter immediately after her.
King in the Crown, sun and hail, after a night, PoE and the world, and nothing will stop you.
Give me a hand, that far the port where the house is today? Where is the street? Avenue of PoE Currency runners, GGG studio knows the way, under the sky of stars, under the sky of stars PoE Currency we buy, and everyone alone.
Buy PoE Currency
Luz, then blues, Pibng then Exalted orbs, East and watchman go hand in hand. Green and brown, currency and the best MMO Path of Exile in the crown. Buy them then! I buy them now! boooo are cheap, under the sky of PoE Currency we live, and each of us buys them
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Pheonix Wright: Trials & Tribulations, Oxenfree, BotW, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, AC:NL.
Right now, I'm pretty addicted to They Are Billions. It's a rogue-like RTS pc game. Dying repeatedly is part of the process of learning. This game is so frustratingly difficult yet so oddly satisfying to play, even when I die and have to start all over again.
Currently playing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix for my 3 year old to watch. He loves watching me play video games (especially since its cartoon like xD), he gets so into it. I love his innocence. He's also a very great helper XD He would spot some heartless that i can't see and would tell me where to hit. So its more of a bonding experience than just trying to pass time xD
keep swapping between switch games haha--i'm playing botw, mario + rabbids, mario odyssey, skyrim, xenoblade chronicles 2, mario kart, and splatoon 2 when my connection is good enough!