Selling Closet Cleaning! Lots of Unorderables

Hi! Could I have the: Ice Series and Sacks of Money? How much would this be?
Hi! Could I have the: Ice Series and Sacks of Money? How much would this be?

Yeah! Is 10 TBT good (2 for each?) We can do the trade tomorrow around noon (CST) or after 5:00pm (when I get off work)
can i take th nook homes mat, and watermelon?
id like the massive cake, leaf bed, mountain, and teacup ride. lemme know how much u want for them. i can only pay in TBT
would i be able to get the cloud flooring for igb? i'll pay about 3k for it?
I'm charging 2TBT per item.

Noxephi--yes you can have it. It'll be 2TBT

Giddy-- yes, for 4TBT

Amyohmeohmy-- it'll be 2TBT

Spear-- the leaf bed has already been claimed but the other three items will be 6TBT

Sailormars-- that'll be no problem, 3k IGB it is.

Gemmathejewel-- yes you can. It'll be 2TBT

I can do trades today around noon CST or after 5:00pm CST (when I get off work). I would rather do them after 5 but understand if someone can't be on then.
I've actually decided I don't need the leaf bed anymore. Spears, if you still want it you can take it!
Autograph cards, coconut juice, flower bed, fruit panel floor, and the watermelon. So 10 tbt then, cool.
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