(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Eugene or Muffy! Can offer Gothic Black or White Rococo set, but I would greatly appreciate a free offer c: (I will tip!)
(anyone on my Dream Villager list to be honest, but these two are the most wanted!)
I have Muffy now! I wouldn't mind any others- but not yet, cuz my town is full D:
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I'm looking for Rudy the Jock Cat! If you happen to know anyone who is selling/trading/auctioning Rudy, please let me knoww! c:
I'm looking for Rosie the peppy cat! She's my last remaining dream villager, and I'd like to find her ASAP! If anyone is selling or trading her please let me know!
Looking for Eugene the smug koala for my brother and also looking for Apollo the cranky eagle. Please PM me if you have either of them :)
LF my dreamie - Tia - for free if anyone wants to give her away. Been looking for ages but no joy!
She has not shown up in my cycling town yet, so I can keep an eye out and inform you when she's moved in and then 'in boxes' (assuming you were on recently by then).
Looking for an Uchi! Pashmina or Phoebe would be the best (in that order c:), but I'll also take Tammy, Deidre or Agnes.
I'm looking for a cute cranky! Today if possible, since I'm pretty sure a random villager from the void will take up my last spot tomorrow otherwise! Thanks in advance. :)
Im badly looking for Freya. Please let me know if you have her and you are willing to sell her. (Please send PM or VM.)
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