Buying /Cataloging items off of my wishlist ! Clothing n furniture

i have these items
-accessories stand
-antique clock
-antique mini table
-antique phone
-bath towel wrap
-light blue bunny ears
-brown argyle-tile flooring
-brown brick flooring
-black denim pants
-double door fridge
-black den chair
-blue dreamy dress
-blue dreamy sweater
-white fishnet tights
-frugal hat
-rattan towel basket

how much are you offering? i'm pretty flexible when it comes to offers :>
(also it might take me a few min to order all of them)
i have these items
-accessories stand
-antique clock
-antique mini table
-antique phone
-bath towel wrap
-light blue bunny ears
-brown argyle-tile flooring
-brown brick flooring
-black denim pants
-double door fridge
-black den chair
-blue dreamy dress
-blue dreamy sweater
-white fishnet tights
-frugal hat
-rattan towel basket

how much are you offering? i'm pretty flexible when it comes to offers :>
(also it might take me a few min to order all of them)
ok cool ! Would 150k bells be good?
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dw worry about the mats! ill take 1NMT for both :) just lmk when you're ready so I can send you a code
Is that 1nmt for both the cutting board and the spice rack all together? Just wanna make sure !
ok cool ! Would 150k bells be good?
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Is that 1nmt for both the cutting board and the spice rack all together? Just wanna make sure !
sure! just give me a moment to gather all of the stuff + order some of them
I can make Cosmo shower just need materials! I can also order Rattan Towel Basket. Message me if still need :)
Ok ! what matterials are needed for the cosmo shower?
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sure! just give me a moment to gather all of the stuff + order some of them
Awesome msg me with a dodo when u are ready
ok ! sorry but i dont have any cosmos on my island:( so I can't provide you with the matterials
ok ! sorry but i dont have any cosmos on my island:( so I can't provide you with the matterials

I just bought some today to grow - so over the next couple days I will accumulate and see if you are still interested! It will be red or white.