Dodo Code

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  1. Bells
Oh no. I got disconnected. :(
The Dodo Code doesn't work. I think your Switch might have entered Sleep mode.

I have two items in me.
Ya I got booted too. Luckily it saved, I have a bunch of your shirts in my pocket
May I please come over? Looking especially for a bunch of winter and summer stuff that I missed :)

This is so sweet of you!!
I would love to come by whenever you have the chance! I just started playing again and need more Fall and winter stuff lol
My battery died guys. So sorry ☹️. I’ll post a new dodo ASAP. I hope no one lost their progress.
Hopefully it auto saved at some point. Wont know till I get back, I was almost done too 😅
Thank you for helping me with my catalog. I'll be back for shoes and accessories at some point. Now to mark everything and see what I'm still missing so I can come back with a game plan 🙃
Thank you for helping me with my catalog. I'll be back for shoes and accessories at some point. Now to mark everything and see what I'm still missing so I can come back with a game plan 🙃
Yeah let me know if you’re missing anything. It should all be out there.
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