black roses from gold


Crazy cat dad
Nov 11, 2014
So I had the bell boom ordinance in effect to hopefully get the bell spender badges a little faster, then switched to beautiful town because I needed to tt to fix some grass wear. Due to poor timing, it hadn't properly taken effect, so I ended up watering all my wilted black roses with my gold can because it was late at night and all my stores were closed, meaning no buying a regular watering can.

The question is, if I continue to fertilize and water my golden roses, will they eventually spawn black ones or do I have to try and hybridize from red ones again?
Did he use fertilizer and the golden shovel and golden watering can? Using all those together increases the chances of growing hybrids and multiplying existing ones. I got a lot of black roses that way initially.
Gold roses don't produce any flowers. You could try buying some from someone here though.
You need to start breeding black roses again. This is why I use a regular or silver can.