ask the below user a question!

Cats, less maintenance.

Dr. Eggman or Bowser?
My laptop.

Dr. Eggman or Bowser(asking again 'cause it didn't get answered)?
Sorry, the glitch where it hides the most recent post must have occurred! I was answering the post previous because that was the latest I could see at the time.


King Dedede or King K. Rool?
Possibly Ganondorf? Even though I like the Metroid games a bit more.

Prince or Michael Jackson?
Either Cranky or Lazy I think.

Would you prefer to have fingers the size of legs, or legs the size of fingers?
Not at all. My mom loves them and I've had to grow up with the TV blasting them all the time, so I got tired of it. Plus it's not really amusing to me.

Do you like using desktop computers?
Same here, my mom loves them and the moment Midsomer Murders, NCIS or some swedish crap goes on I'm like... run away lol..

I prefer laptops bc I'm more used to them but as long as it does it job?

anyways, d'ya like avocado?