Are you open about playing Animal Crossing or ashamed?

May 31, 2014
Im just wondering when someone asks you what games you play I wonder how many people actually say animal crossing.

As for me, I usually say Nintendo games, mario games, or "any kind". Im ashamed because of 2 events that happened to me (both in 5th grade when I was new to animal crossing.) The first was when I was on the bus home and i was playing on my acww and my cousin said "(my name) you still play animal crossing?" And a bunch of people laughed. I think he said that because I introduced him to mortal kombat and he preferred violent video games after that. The second when I was on a social network site (the ones where you have an avatar and you customise it) and some kid I knew was talking **** about to me to my friends while I was listening. And one of the things he said was "he still plays that baby animal crossing" -_- that really hurt my feelings since I really liked this game. And the ironic thing was that he also had an acww game. At the time my DS broke so I kept asking him if I can play his acww since I was desperate so I guess he was just irritated and this was "payback"? Lol.

So yeah... how many of you are open about this and how many of you are ashamed and what's your story?
I'm very open when it comes to playing Animal Crossing, though I'm not ashamed.
Besides, most of the kids in my school play ACNL when they're not playing Pokemon.
I'm always open about the games I play--there's nothing to be ashamed about. People who make fun of others for liking a certain type of game are just immature and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Yeah, but no one I know knows what animal crossing is, other than my girlfriend's little sister and her friends (they're 11). My coworkers think it's odd that I play video games, with the exception of one person.
I'm pretty open when playing AC. I would play it during lectures in uni xD
There's nothing to be ashamed about :) if you like it then that's all that matters. It's their opinion and sometimes they don't necessarily agree with you but who cares. As long as it makes you happy
i think its about time

im coming out of the #animalcloset

yes, i play animal crossing. i used to be ashamed of my gaming- but through the support of my friends, ive learned not to be ashamed, but proud. i was born playing animal crossing. its not a choice. i shouldnt be ashamed of what isnt my fault, so im going to stand tall and play animal crossing infront of everyone. at the park, at the mall, in a restaurant. its time for some #animalcrossing:newpride
I'm pretty open about playing AC.
Not many people I know play it but I am fairly open about playing it.
>:U i'm the ACNL queen and i won't tolerate anybody sayin bad things about this game. like excuse you. have you ever designed a video game? p sure if they did it would be worse than sonic '06. so don't listen to jerks being rude. they're just talkin to talk, they dont know what they're saying.
You should not feel ashamed about something that brings you happiness (as long as you are not hurting others). Shaming you for enjoying something is pretty whacked in my opninion. :s Boo the haters!

I'm pretty open when playing games. Most of my train rides are spent playing my 3DS (before that my DS Lite). Never got any kind of bad reaction for it. Sure, some people are curious and look but that does not bother me. One time I played on my 3DS and another passenger, a lanky kid in his preteens looked at me and smiled shyly. Then he took out his 3DS and we nodded at each other in a kinda understanding way. Lol From gamer to gamer x) Never got any other kind of reaction though. My friends are not really interested in video games but they don't belittle me for it. So yeah... keep playing if it makes you happy and don't get negative feelings about it just because some mean and stupid people don't understand.
I'm really opened concerning AC. Sometimes, friends ask me what is my favorite video game, I can't choose so I say a bunch including AC... They never laugh at me, they think it's great that I don't want to hide my "hobbies". And sometimes, it can be a good thing to not hide from the others: When I was playing ACNL in the bus, people behind me ask me to play with me and visit each other town. It's a good opportunity to meet people. :)

Don't be afraid to speak about something you like, some are just narrow-minded which is something bad.
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Im 21, and open about playing animal crossing :) It's not something i openly 'brag' about, but if people ask, I tell them the truth. I also told my boyfriend, who thinks I'm a little silly haha :D But he loves me all the same.
I'm a closet gamer in general, nobody at my school besides my friends would guess how obsessed I am with Pokemon and Animal Crossing. I don't care if my friends and family know, though. Every year my parents say I'll regret buying these types of video games due to me getting older. Every year I prove them wrong. :p
Nay, you can say all you want about expressing your personality and being proud of who you are, but I'll never be able to do that. I don't really like sharing my personal life with other people. I'm a private sorta person. I almost never play in public, forget playing with other people. If I'm asked about video games, I'll just say what consoles I have (Wii, 3DS, and PS3 but I don't play it) and if they ask if I have such-and-such a game, I'll answer honestly. That's all I'll ever say. I keep my things to myself, otherwise something's gonna go down. That's the concept I've lived by and thrived on, and prolly will for the rest of time.
I am mostly open about it, many people think I am silly for playing it, but they can't see past the cutesy graphics. I bet if those people ever gave the game a chance they would love it!
I'm always open when it comes to Animal Crossing. I'm open with all my games actually. I feel no need to be ashamed in playing games I like. Others don't need to like them, that's fine, but I would never feel shame towards AC.

I haven't been laughed at, sure, I'm asked what it's about, why I like it so much and what not, but I've never been outright shamed or laughed at by my decision in liking animal crossing.
i love animal crossing. i always whip out my 3ds whenever i have free time during school. many people try to hover to see what i'm playing but i don't mind. also for graphic design class one of my project was a homage to animal crossing :> many people though it was cute but most of them didn't even know what animal crossing is :c
Dear Princess Celestia,
Today I learned to never be ashamed of the things that you love to do and that anyone who looks down on you for doing what makes you happy should have something sharp shoved up their-

Er where was I...

I'm not closed but I'm not super open about playing Animal Crossing. Definitely not ashamed. I'm pretty open with people who enjoy the game too.
I'm open to it ^^ I've never had any issues with people about it. I'm sorry you had those experiences, people like that are ridiculous :c.